If I could Tell Him

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(Obama and Biden flying to Florida, Biden talking about how he's nervous to be president)

Obama: Relax, you'll do great!

Biden: You really think so?

Obama: Of course!  And I, I -- did I tell you what Michelle said?

Biden: No


Well she said,
She knew that you could do it
And that you should have nothing to fear

Cause she said
There's nothing you could ever do
To be worse than Trump was these past years

And she loved
the way you won the election
By having your campaign include memes

And she said
She knows that you'll be loved
By all the millenials and the Gen-Zs

But she kept it all inside her head
What she saw she left unsaid
and though she wanted to
she couldn't talk to you
she couldn't find the way
but she would always say

If I could tell him
Tell him everything I see
If I could tell him
That he means so much to me
But we're a million worlds apart
And I don't know how I would even start
If I could tell him
If I could tell him


Did she say anything else?


About you?


Never mind, I don't really care anyways


No, no, no just, no, no he said, he said so many things

I'm just, I'm trying to remember the best ones so, um

She said, you looked really cute, er
Jill told her you looked cute
At both of my inaugurations

And she wondered
How you learned to put up with
Trump during last year's election

But she kept it all inside her head
What she saw she left unsaid

If I could tell him
Tell him everything I see
If I could tell him
That he means so much to me

Obama and Biden:

But we're a million worlds apart


And I don't know how I would even start
If I could tell him
If I could tell him

And what do you do when there's this great divide?


But you two seemed so far away


And what do you do when you when the distance feels so wide?


It's like I don't know anything


And how do you say
I love you?
I love you
I love you
I love you

But we're a million worlds apart
And I don't know how I would even start
If I could tell him
If I could

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