In Florida

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*Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and Ted Cruz on Trumps private jet*

Trump: Oh I just love Florida!  The heat, my beautiful golf courses, all my wonderful fans . . .

Rudy Giuliani:  Yeah Florida's great, but the inauguration is starting soon and we still haven't figured out how to change the election results.  Do you have a plan?

Trump: Of course! I have the key to the office and we're running away to the state where my approval ratings are highest.  None of those nasty-ass democrats are gonna follow us there!

*"In Summer" from Disney's Frozen starts playing*


Tweets a-buzz
Democrats loosing their shit because
I'll be causing all sorts of chaos in Florida

No talk, of vaccines
It'll be just like 2016
Oh I can't wait to go cause some chaos in Florida!

I'll stop Biden from stealing what should be my second term

Maybe I'll even get some of those shitty blue states to turn

and I wish I could see
how sad Joe and Kamala will be

But I'll be out there causing chaos in Florida!

Dah dah, da doo, uh bah bah bah bah bah boo

Biden and Harris, oh what a mess!

Just leave me in office, now that makes sense

Rrr raht da daht dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah doo

And while I'm here golfing with office keys

I'll be remembered for being-

An amazing president!

The election was rough but I can still come up with a scheme

That puts me back in office and ruins Joe Biden's dreams

Oh the map will be red, until the day I drop dead

But until then I'll be causing chaos in Florida!

Ted Cruz, whispering:  Should I tell him they can just take down the office door?

Rudy Giuliani: Don't you dare!


In Florida!

Inauguration Day: The MusicalWhere stories live. Discover now