Into the Office

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(To the tune of "Into the Unknown" from Disney's Frozen 2)

(No, oh, oh oh
No, oh, oh oh
No, oh, oh oh oh oh)


I can hear them, but I won't

Because the democrats, are fucking gross

There's a billion reasons I shouldn't be impeached

But my coup backfired, and now I can't even tweet

No, oh, oh

(No, oh, oh, oh)

No, oh

(No, oh, oh)

Joe didn't win, it was all voter fraud

Who would vote against me, I'm basically a god

I'm the best since Lincoln but nobody seems to care

My only flaw is that Don and Eric are my heirs

I've had one term in office, and I'm not ready to go

I'd rather die than ever let Kamala or Joe

Into the office 

Into the office

Into the office

(No oh, oh oh
No oh, oh oh, oh)

What do they want?

America's made a big mistake

Cause Joe and Kamala

Will never make them great

I've done so much during my flawless presidency

But the democrats keep trying to ruin my legacy

Every day a new allegation

something found from long ago

Don't they know they can't stop me, I'll never let Joe

Into the office

Into the office

Into the office

(No oh, oh oh
No oh, oh oh
No, oh, oh)


Don please stop this

You can't keep me

From the office

The states need me


No oh oh oh

(no oh oh oh)

No oh oh oh

(no oh oh oh)

No oh oh oh

(no oh oh oh)


Bitch let it go!

(Oh oh oh oh)


I'm going to Florida, this place fucking sucks

But I'll never let the democrats, into the office!

*Trumps yeets himself out of the office window and blasts off to Florida*

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