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'My sister and I are no stranger to death, it seems like every corner we step around death will always find us. Thou, death isn't the end, it's the gateway to another story. Once a year for Remembrance Day, we are asked to write letters to our lost loved ones. We sign our names, fold them up, and scatter them throughout the cemetery. It's my favorite day of the year, it's when I feel the closest to the two of you. It's all I can think about, except lately...Death keeps knocking on my door.'

Late at night while everyone was writing their Remembrance letters, a sudden yet shocked girl walked through the doors. Looking around for someone or something in particular, until she set her sights on the tall, dark complected Raf who stood with Faith and Hope.

"Cassie?" Raf whispered in utter shock and disbelief.

"Cassie? Like your.." Hope questioned when Raf cut her off.

"My girlfriend." Raf made his way over to his girlfriend, to whom he may have forgotten was suppose to be dead. Faith and Hope both looked at each other, Faith sighing as another monster or possibly the same one as one before, had made it's way onto campus.


Moist and Dark.

That's all Faith could think about when she went down into the cellars with anyone. Creepy crawlies lurking around everywhere, hoping to get inside of your brain and munch on it for lunch. Made shivers run up and down Faith's back.

"Stay here okay? I'll be right back with Dr. Saltzman." Hope reassured Faith as she walked inside.

"There you are my lovely girl." A creepy, and utterly disgusting voice picked up once Hope had entered the room.

"Hows your friend, the one I saw you with earlier, when you tried to sneak an illicit peak at me? As well as that glowing angel with the remarkable wing span. 15 feet I presume?" The Necromancer smirked and cackled, making Faith cower back in the Shadows.

"As we speak, he's having an emotional reunion with his dead girlfriend. I suppose we have you to thank." Hope replied as Dr. Saltzman looked worried and unimpressed.

"Poor dear, her spirit was clinging to him like a vine in the winter! Took barely any effort. Just took a little wrinkle of the nose, and poof! Young love reborn." He declared while smirking, Faith could hear it in his voice.

"You're lucky that's all I did. The way you have treated me, a man of my stature. You should all be ashamed." The Necromancer complained looking away.

"Literally nobody knows who you are." Dr. Saltzman exclaimed before walking out of the room, leaving Hope behind.

"Hope, come on." A soft voice chimed in, making the Necromancers head snap.

Faith was barely out of the shadows before Hope charged over towards her, grabbing her arm and leading her upstairs.


Hope and Alaric sped their way towards Rafael and Cassie, planted on the sofa trying to reason out why she was here. Faith didn't feel like speed walking so she stayed behind some feet until they all reached their destination. Standing beside her sister, Faith looked at her emotionless, unreadable face.

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