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An alarming bell rang throughout the halls of Salvatore High, meaning one thing. A monster was captured in the trap that Hope and Faith had helped Dr. Saltzman and Mr. Williams build.

Sprinting down the hallway to meet them at the entry, Faith shifted her arm creating a sword in her hand.

"Sounds like the trap worked." Hope implied while the four of them made their way out to the old mill where their monster stood.

"I know this is important, but you couldn't have put pants on first?" Hope snarked Dr. Saltzman, a little grossed out at the fact that her headmaster and closest father figure was currently walking through the forest in his underwear.

"A little early for snark, Hope." Faith giggled softly, continuing her path through the woods.

"Any guess on what famous monster from film land we get to slay today?" Dorian inquired.

"Knowing our luck itll be Cthulu." Dr. Saltzman guessed as they all approached the old mill with caution.

"False alarm. It's just a horse." Dorian approached the creature with no hesitancy.

"Mustve gotten out of the stables and gotten through the barrier spell." Dr. Saltzman voice faltered.

"Yeah except we dont have any white horses." Hope hesitated as the white horse turned around revealing it to be a unicorn.

Dorian and Alaric stood at the ready, aiming to shoot and kill the majestically horse standing on the grounds.

"Wait. Wait. Hold you're fire." Hope jumped infront of both of them, making them relax a tiny bit.

"Its a monster Hope. Its here to take the artifact." Dorian stated eyeing the creature. Faith soon stood infront of Dorian, not allowing either of them to hurt it.

"Dont you know it's bad luck to kill a Unicorn." Chided Faith as she crossed her arms, the tip of her sword hitting the ground.

"You are not seriously suggesting to kill a Unicorn." Hope retaliated against her authoritarian figures.

"I'm suggesting we dont give it a pass just cause it's cute." Dorian stated once again, still wavering caution over the Unicorn.

"Cant we just... leave it alone?" Hope suggested.

"Its trapped. It's not going anywhere, its harmless." Faith poked her way in, raising her eyebrows with her eyes widened. Not letting these two men find a way to kill this precious creature.

"Faith's right. As long as we keep it alive, no other monsters will be coming after the urn. So we just stay alert, and leave it be." Alaric confirmed, agreeing with the girls who sighed softly.

"Alright. Well I'll be on alert back in bed." Dorian sleepily groaned before turning, walking back towards the school.

How wrong were they to trust the pretty horse who was only the mere host of their giantatic problem lying ahead?


The bright sun illuminated the sky, sending happiness and fun filled days to everyone it would touch. Waking up in the morning today, Faith felt rejuvenated and full of life. Looking over at her sister who looked the same way, they both stood up and smiled at each other.

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