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'Upon arrival to the Salvatore Boarding School, Triad had all the means and necessities to bulldoze their way inside. Someone had let them in with only a way to do so if you close to the school in some way. Nobody knew they were there, and that's how they wanted it until the perfect opportunity struck itself.'

Proceeding to walk with Jed, Kaleb, and Josie to the front doors of the school, Faith held onto Kaleb's hand which was laced with her own.

"She's coming?" Lizzie and Josie both grumbled while looking at eachother.

"I need all the help I can get, so please put your twin war on pause." Hope answered back to them, Raf staring down Jed who stood in the back.

"Why's he going? He hates Landon." Raf demanded to know, looking down at Hope.

"Look, you're the alpha. If Landon's your pack, that makes him ours." Defended Jed on the reason of why he was going.

"Where's MG?" Kaleb speculated looking around for his best friend.

"He's on his way. Let's load up while we wait for him. Come on." Hope answered, leading her super squad out to the car.

Upon leaving the school and stepping outside, Faith noticed a group of strange men standing beside tanks and SUV's. All equipped with guns and weapons made for the killing of supernaturals.

"Oh, sorry. We were just about to knock." The old, grey haired foreman announced while stalking his way towards all of the teenagers.

"Who the hell are you?" Lizzie bellowed out, standing her ground while keeping her guard up.

"Name's Burr. Triad Industries." Burr introduced himself, smirking at the young teens. Kaleb hid Faith behind him, making sure nothing would come to hurt her.

"Propellere." Hope tried to perform a spell, but her magic seemed to not be working.

"I got this." Kaleb seethed while trying to run forward using his vamp speed. Only to hiss in pain at the powerful rays of sun that hit his hand and face.

"Kaleb!" Faith rushed forward taking Kaleb's hand into her own, covering his wounds with her hands.

"I don't get it? Why aren't our powers working?" Faith's voice roared towards her sister and classmates.

"What you don't got is magic. Which is why your daylight ring wont work." Burr clarified, making all of the teenagers get angrier and more frightened by the second.

"What we do have are stakes, wolfsbane,...and other things." Burr announced one more.

Faith stood infront of her Kaleb, knowing that if he got shot with a stake her whole world would crash down around her. If any of her friends got hurt, including her sister, she wouldn't know what to do because she can't use her powers right now to heal any of them.

"So I think you should invite us inside." Burr insisted.


"We are looking for an artifact known as the chalice of Arimathea. We have reason to believe it is part of your school's collection. Now, you know this place a lot better then we do, so the sooner you help us find it, the sooner we will be gone. Triad thanks you for your time." Burr concluded his speech.

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