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'In a world filled with twisted ways of death and life, you'd think you would be happy to see one of your loved ones come back from the dead. In this instance, nobody should ever think that. Letting those who have passed on rest in peace and serenity is the best way at finding comfort within yourself.'

Today was a more important day for the Salvatore School. Once a year, a celestial event happens for a pair of twins that walk the halls with their heads held high. Josette and Elizabeth Saltzman.

Faith smiled seeing the two sisters making their way onto the staircase. Josie leaving to her classes while Lizzie strutted down the staircase to Faith who was helping the decorating committee with the beautiful decorating that Lizzie had wished for.

"Looking good Faith. Just a few more balloons okay?" Lizzie pointed at the balloons that were getting blown up in the corner.

"On it your majesty." Faith joked while walking over to the other witches who were in charge of the balloons.

"Okay come on ladies. Don't want to piss off the princess on her special day." Faith jokingly commented which made the other witches giggle.


Dusk approached the school grounds, allowing for students to gather in the ballroom fo celebrate the two very special girls they went to school with. Pink and purple streamers laced their way down from the glimmering chandelier that hung in the middle of the ceiling.

Finding herself at the top of the staircase, looking down at the mass of her classmates dancing and having a good time was Faith. Standing in a glittery gold dress she had found in her room under her bed.

Shining just like a disco ball in the middle of the night, capturing the attention of her peers, she had caught the attention of a special person in particular. His suit fitting him perfectly while his hair had been tied back. Just as fast as lightning, he was halfway up the stairs guiding Faith down to the floor.

"I'm still not talking to you." Faith scorned, taking his hand in her own while picking up her dress. Heading down the stairs towards the crowd that seemed to make her heart race even faster then a exam on a Monday.

"You just did, so that's some sort of progress right?" Kaleb chuckled while standing on the dancefloor, bringing Faith closer to his body swaying around with his arm around her waist.

"You're just lucky that I am in a terrific mood today." Faith gritted through her teeth, trying to forget the rest of the people around her.

Everyone started to clap and cheer as the spotlight pointed towards the blonde at the climax of the staircase. Stepping down with precision till she met MG at the halfway point as Kaleb had done with Faith.

"Let's welcome birthday girl #1 and her lucky escort!" The DJ roared over his mic while everyone just got more hyped by the second. Faith making her way through the sweaty bodies of wolves, witches, and vampires until she got to Lizzie.

"You look gorgeous tonight!" Faith shouted over the music while pulling Lizzie into a hug. Kaleb behind Faith waiting to get a dance in before the party ended, hopefully to clear the air between the both of them.

"Not as good as you! I love the dress! Where'd you get it?" Lizzie remarked, admiring the dress her best friend wore.

"I'll tell you later. For now you enjoy your night." Faith nodded before kissing Lizzie's cheek, turning back to Kaleb and walking away into the crowd.

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