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Strings, beautifully crafted from horse hair lined up and down the golden harp sitting in the middle of the music room. Strings being strummed by the delicate fingers of an angel without any care in the world except for learning how to play this one song in particular that seems to be the only one giving her a hard time.

Time was cut short that day when Emma, the counselor of the school, walked into the music room.

"Ms. Mikaelson?" Emma gently interrupted as Faith turned around on her bench.

"Yes?" Faith questioned softly, curious as to why her guidance counselor was in here during this hour.

"Dr. Saltzman wants to see you." Emma stated before walking out of the door, leaving it open for Faith.

Eyebrows furrowed together, standing up Faith followed emma down the corridor where she also saw Lizzie, Josie, and Hope standing just as confused as she was.

"Do you guys know why we are here?" Faith asked standing beside her sister as Alaric opened the door and began leading through the masses of students who littered the path way.

"This makes no sense dad, why are we being punished?" Lizzie retaliated against her father.

"Because you started a brawl at a charity football game doing something that could've exposed what we really do here." Alaric explained while leading us down the halls.

"I wasn't apart of the fight so why am I here?" Faith piped up, totally confused on why she was there.

"Because you were a bystander watching the fight instead of helping to break it up." Faith rolled her eyes as she shoved her hands in her pocket.

"Well you weren't mad last night." Lizzie continued.

"I was mad last night. My undying love just so happen to triumph my rage." Alaric rebutted against Lizzie as he placed books back where they belonged on shelves.

"I volunteered everyone in the game so just stop. You're lucky that it's just community service and not actual jail time." Alaric smirked while crossing his arms.

Faith shrunk back, sitting on the table behind her.

"Can I atleast offer a rebuttal in my defense, if it pleases the court?" Lizzie expressed as Faith plugged in her headphones, not entirely in the mood to hear what Lizzie had to say in that moment.

Lizzie was a sweet girl and all, Faith just wasn't feeling it that day and needed some time away from the actual world she lived in.

After a few minutes of Faith having her eyes closed, she opened them to find Alaric and her sister talking. She furrowed her eyebrows once again as she took her earbuds out.

"Come on Faith, the bus is leaving soon." Hope grabbed Faith's hand and tugged her along. Walking with her to the bus that was stationed outside.


Getting on the bus, Faith saw Lizzie, Josie, MG, and Kaleb who all had displeased and annoyed looks on their faces. Hope sat down at the front of the bus, which wasn't Faith's usual cup of tea, but for her sister she decided that it was best.

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