Chapter 13

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(A/N) Hey guys, sorry it took so long to update but what I'm about to write about is a extremely important subject, it's about a school shooting. So if you aren't in that, or you don't like to think about this than don't read it. I know it's a touchy subject to write about or to even read. But again this is my story. So thank you. xoxo

Chapter 13

Bre's POV

The next day, Ellie wanted to go home and see her dad. Since Jon wasn't home, I stayed over for a bit, talking to Pat.

"Jon told me about the baby, Bre. Jon also told me that you don't know who should be the godfather?" He points to himself. I chuckle.

"Nah, sorry Pat but he's already got a godfather. It's Tyler." I shook my head after he pretended to cry. I pat him on the back.

"I'm Uncle Kaner then. No exceptions." His voice was serious.

"Alright that's fine with me. Speaking of Uncles, do you know exactly where Jonathan is? He told me he was going out this morning, but it's almost 1." I asked him. He looks at me.

"No. I didn't even know he was out. I just thought you actually wanted to see your favorite Patrick." He puts his hand over his heart. I playfully slap it.

"Oh, well that's okay. I'll call him later. What do you say about the three of us going to lunch, it's on me?" I asked Ellie and Pat.

"Yay, foooooooooood. Daddy never feeds me." Ellie wined, in a adorable way. Patrick looked at her, confused. She laughed and said she was kidding, but really hungry.

"Free food, can't argue with that. Let's go girlies." Pat hollered. I put Ellie in her car seat and sat upfront with Patrick. On the way there Pat got a phone call.

"Hey Hossa, what's up... Are you serious?... What the heck... Okay okay, don't freak out or worry, me and Bre are on the way there... Ahh okay. I'm speeding now... Alright bye." His voice was scared and panicked, it kinda freaked me out. He quickly speeds down the road.

"Pat, what happened. Please tell me. Your kind of freaking me out." I asked him. He had tears in his eyes, but he shook his head.

"Turn on the news station." That's all he said. I did as told and I couldn't believe my own ears on what I was hearing.

"Please everyone, if you have a child that goes to Regentine Elementary School, please do not panic. There is law enforcement at the scene. It would help, if the parents were able to come down to the school and identify your child and take them to a safe place. There is one class still held hostage... I've just been told that it is the second grade class. When we get back, we will have more information about this tragedy. Thanks for listening." By the time the radio station plays music, we pull up to the school where I see many teachers and parents crying and trying to find there children. Once I see Marian I don't think twice before jumping out of my door and running to attack him in a hug, truth is I didn't run because I'm 6 months and 2 weeks pregnant, but he ran to me. He cried into my hair.

"I'm so happy your here Bre. I need you." What he said broke my heart. He sounded so desperate. I would be lying if I told you I didn't cry a bit. I grabbed his face so he would look at me.

"I'm here Marsy. I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere. I promise you that." I strictly told him. He nods then puts his head back into my neck, holding me. I rub his back, when Ellie asks what happened. I turn my head towards Pat and gave him a look. He nodded and took Ellie back to the car to talk.

"What if Mia is gone. She's still in there Bre. What did those little children do to deserve this?"He desperately asks me, sobbing. What he says just puts fire in my veins.

"I don't know. Some people are just screwed up like that. They need help, but they don't want it so they do stupid stuff like this. I swear if I see who did this, ohh boy I'm going to kill them." I dryly tell him. He continues to stand in my arms and cry. I can't help but feel terrible for him.

"Where's Jana? Shouldn't she be here?" I ask him. This only makes him cry harder. Once he calms down a little he looks up at me.

"I haven't told her. She's back in Slovakia with her parents. I can't tell her this. I can't Bre." He cries out. He puts his head back in the position he was before and holds onto me for dear life. I think he forgot that I am almost 7 months pregnant. I comfort him.

"Marian, I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier, I was at my lawyers office. Is everyone okay?" A voice asks. Then I notice that it's Jon. Marian looks at him and then back at me.

"You guys should go home. I kind of forgot that your about to have a baby, I will be fine. I will go find Pat and Ellie." He tells us. Are you serious.

"Heck no, Marsy. I told you I'm not leaving you until I want too. I don't care if I'm in labor. Your my best friend, you can't get rid of me that easily. Nice try though." I pat him on the back. He looks so exhausted, no parent should ever have to go through this.

"Okay. Thank you Breezy." He thanks me.

It was a couple of hours later that we heard a gunshot. Everybody screamed. Marian clung onto me.

"It's okay. It's okay. We just need to breathe. Breathe Marian." I told him. He was sobbing. A couple minutes later we both heard that voice that immediately calmed us down.

"Daddy, Aunt Breezy." Mia yelled. We both ran to her, Marian clung onto her and squashed her in a huge hug, both of them were crying. Jonathan came up to me and told me that Pat and Ellie went home. He wrapped his arms around my belly, and he kissed my cheek.

"I'm happy Mia is okay." He whispered. I nodded and admired Marian and Mia... I hope Jon will be like that with our baby everyday.

It was a little while later when we got home, after dinner with Mia and Marian. It was only around 8 when I got done with my shower and was laying in bed reading a book.

"Haven't you read that book like 7 times?" The voice scared the living crap out of me. I looked up to see Jon standing in his red plaid boxers and no shirt. Clearly ready for bed.

"I can't help that John Green writes incredible books. I'm sorry." I sarcastically smile at him. These mods swings kill me, right now I'm feeling really sassy.

"What's it about." He asked, crawling into bed.

"I don't know. Why don't you read it yourself and find out." I snap at him. He puts his hands up in defense.

"Sorry I even asked. Jeez. Just trying to make conversation." He mumbled. I put the book down on the night stand and turned off my light, which left the both of us in a little bit of light, due to the bathroom light still on. We cuddled for a bit.

"The books about two teenagers that have cancer and they fall in love. He dies in the ending though. It's a really lovely story. I can't stop reading it." I tell him. He chuckles, and rubs my big belly.

"Thanks for telling me Big Momma." He teased.

"Whatever. I already feel fat enough. Why were you at your lawyers today? Sorry I overheard you tell Marian that." I had to ask him, Curious of his answer. He sighed.

"I was there because of Lindsay. You know my crazy ex girlfriend from high school. Yeah she was at our house this morning, so I went there to get a restraining order on her. She won't be allowed to be near me, you, or our little baby." He told me. Thank goodness.

"Thank you for doing that baby." I passionately kissed him. When I pulled away he smiled at me.

"Let's get to bed, shall we?" He asked. I kissed his nose.

"We shall."


Guys, I'm sorry if this totally sucked. I don't know if I'm going to keep this story going. Tell me what you think of it, please. xoxo

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