Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

•1 month later•

Bre's POV

My family knows about Jonathan and the baby. I haven't seen them in 5 years. Growing up in my family was just too hard. The only family members of mine that I actually still talk to a lot is my granny and my older sister Jaden. Me and my father do not get along at all, we are constantly yelling at each other. Anyways right now I'm calling Jade to see if she can bring Granny up here so she can be here when my baby comes. Jaden answer.

"Hey lil sis." She welcomes me.

"Hey Jady. I need you to do me a favor if you can?" I asked her.

"What is it?" She asks.

"As you know, I'm about to have my baby. I would really love if you brought granny up here so y'all can be here when he comes into this world. Please." I beg her. I really miss them.

"Of course I will bring granny up there. Just make sure the baby waits a little longer. Haha." We both laugh.

"Well, I will see you and Granny in a little while then. Thanks again Jade. Love you sissy." I thank her.

"I love you too. Goodbye." After I say bye she hangs up.

I know that Jonathan is at the arena, so I get dressed and head over there. All my maternity shirts are dirty, so I'm wearing Jonathan's Winnipeg school shirt. It actually fits my belling really good. When I get into the locker room, everybody is there. I wave and they stare at me. It freaks me out, so I quickly walk over to Jonathan's stall.

"What's up with everybody? Why are they staring at me? Do I have something on my face?" I trough questions at him. He laughs and shakes his head.

"They are staring at you because you look incredibly sexy in my shirt." He kisses my neck while I blush like crazy.

"I'm not sexy. I'm a huge cow. I mean look at me, I have to wear my fiancés shirt which fits me good. I mean c'mon dude, I can't even see my freaking feet." My insecurities are showing right now, I can't help it though. I constantly feel fat. Jon nods and rubs my belly.

"Your not fat, Bre. You have a precious little baby inside of you. And the glow on your face is incredibly sexy. I'm glad your having my baby." He tells me. I smile up at him, and thank him with a kiss. Which he deepens and shoves his tongue in my mouth.

"Save that for when the baby comes out, and save that for when YOUR AT HOME, NOT IN A PUBLIC ARENA... YOU NASTIES!" Patrick yells while shaw yells out 'GET IT HOT MOMMA'. We pull away and laugh.

"Sorry, guys. Spur of the moment type of thing." I tell them. Jonathan grabs my hands and plays with my engagement ring.

"It's a little early for you to be here before the game, ya know?" He questions me. I smile at him.

"I came here to tell you that Jaden is bringing my Granny up for when I have the baby. I hope that's okay." I already knew the answer because Jon and my Granny love each other.

"Of course Granny Adams can come stay with us. Man I'm excited to see her." I happily tells me. I give him a kiss on his forehead.

"Your amazing, did you know that?" I compliment him.

"Yeah, it runs in the family. So our baby will be just like me. Yay." He told me. He worries me sometimes, just a little though.

"Haha, okay Jonny." I pat his back, trying to stand up... Which I fail at and fall back onto the bench.

"Are you okay, babe?" Jon asks me. I nod.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just hard to stand up." I honestly tell him.

"Do you want my help?" He asks me. I tell him no. I try to get up again, and fall right back down. I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Oh my gosh, Jonny just help me up." I demand him. He helps me up and I give him a kiss.

"I'll be at the game tonight. I think I'm going to sit by the glass tonight. Is that okay?" I ask him, knowing he'll probably want me up in the box.

"Yeah that's alright. I can keep a better eye on you that way. And plus there's going to be other people right next to you. So you'll be fine. I love you baby." He quickly says, while looking everywhere but me. I grab his face and make him look at me.

"Are you okay, Jon?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just nervous about tonight's game. Me and Sidney are still in our battle, and I don't know... I'm just worried that he'll do something." He tells me. I can see something else is going on, but I don't question it. I kiss him.

"Tonights game is all about winning for your team, okay? I don't care what Sidney does, you've got to push through your anger and play your game. Okay?" I ask him. He nods.

"Alright, I'm going to go get food then go home and just hangout. If you need anything, call me. I love you, Jonathan." I tell him. He kisses my nose.

"And I love you, Bre." He tells me. I walk to my car and drive to Wendy's. By the time I get done eating it's almost 2 in the afternoon. When I get home I take a nice hour long bath. Once I get out I set my alarm to 5:30 and I take a nap.


My alarm wakes me up. I have no energy to get up, so I stay in bed for a while. When I actually get up its 6. Crap I'm going to be late. I trough on some maternity jeans and Jonathan's away game jersey. Slip on some Vans, grab my keys and head out the door into my Jeep.

Once I finally reach the doors of the arena, I'm out of breath. Perks of being pregnant. I catch my breath and walk in. I buy 3 water bottles and some food because I am not walking all the way down there and then walking all the way back up. I'm not in shape to do that. I sit down in my seat and notice that there are a lot of people here, but my seat neighbors aren't. The games about to start in 15 minutes. Both teams come out for warmups, and once Jonathan sees me he skates over. He sees that I've got all my crap and he shakes his head while laughing.

"I love you." He yells. I smile.

"I love you too." I yell back. He skated over to the other side of the ice and waves at me. I return the wave and smile at him. I eat half my nachos when a voice scares the crap out of me.

"MISS PUT THE NACHOS DOWN." A female voice screams at me. I do what she says and put the food down and I also put my hands up, like I'm getting arrested.

"TURN AROUND AND GIVE YOUR SISTER AND GRANS A BIG HUG." She screams. What? I slowly turn around and I scream really loudly.

"OH MY GOSH. JADY... GRANN." I try to get up but couldn't. Jaden laughs at me and helps me up. I give her a huge side hug. Then I give my Granny a really long and very much needed hug. When we get done we sit down and Granny sits by me and holds my hand, I smile at her.

"You better thank Jonathan for this. He payed for our flight. Jade was going to drive us, but Jonathan called and said that he wanted to surprise you." Gran tells me. I look on the ice and there Jonathan is, looking back at me with a huge grin on his was. He skates up to the glass.

"SURPRISE!" He yells. I mouth 'thank you.' He nods and blows me a kiss then goes into the locker room.

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