Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Bre's POV

It's been almost 3 1/2 months since that night. Jon's been doing so good, he will be back out on the ice in no time. But me? I'm kinda freaking out. I missed my period... Either that means I'm going through menopause, or I'm... Pregnant.

Holy cow, no I can't have a baby. I quickly call up my best friend, Sarah. She met Patrick before me and Jonny met, so that's how it started. Sarah and Pat have been married for about 4 years and have 1 baby girl named Ellison (Ellie) Nicole Kane, she's 5 and is so cute. Anyway she doesn't answer on the first call so I call her back. She finally answers.

"Hey Bre. Sorry I was helping Ellie with her drawing. What's up?" Sarah asks me. Well, here goes nothing.

"Sarah, I'm freaking out. I need you to haul your butt over here right the heck now." I tell her not so nicely.

"Bre, what's wrong?" She asks. I don't know why but I start to cry.

"Bre... Hey, me and Ellie will be right over, okay?" She tells me and I cry some more.

"Okay." I tell her and hang up.

I wait for about 30 minuets before Sarah comes barging in my house with Ellie and her side. Ellie goes and plays in the play room while Sarah comes over and sits by me.

"Breezy girl, what's wrong? Did something happen between you and Jon? Did he hit you?" She questions.

I look up at her and her face makes me cry even more. She keeps asking me what's wrong, so I finally decide to tell her.

"I.. He.. I mean.. I-I'm... P-pregnant." I stutter. She looks at me with the most happiest face I've seen in months. She quickly gets up and grabs my hand pulling me with her, while she was dragging me she tells Ellie to come with us.

She takes me and Ellie to the car and tells us to get in, so we do. After about 10 minuets of driving and awkward silence I finally decide to ask her where we are going.

"We are going to the doctors." She smiles up at me.

"Oh... Um.. Okay." I tell her. To be honest, I'm really scared.

We get to the doctors and are soon in the tiny room where I'll find out the truth. I peed in a cup, drew blood, and now they are getting ready to do a sonogram. Yay... Not.

"This might be cold." Dr. Harp tells me. She squeezes the gel onto my stomach and holy cow... It was cold. She does her thing but stops as she gets right under my belly button.

"Mrs. Adams. I'm so happy to inform you that you are indeed 3 months and 2 weeks pregnant. Congrats." Dr. Harp gives me a pat on my shoulder then wipes the jelly off my tummy.

Great. How am I supposed to tell Jonny.

We get done at the doctors and Sarah drives me home. When we get there I notice that Jon's car isn't in the driveway, I let out a loud sigh of relief. When I try to get out of the car Sarah stops me.

"Hey, I know your probably freaking out about how to tell him. But you don't need to. I flat out told Pat that I was pregnant and then we went on with our lives. Just tell Jonny the truth, alright?" She tells me. I nod and get out of the car and walk into the house.

Later that night Jon comes home and I've cooked his favorite, Tourtière. While we were eating I think I'm going to tell him.

"How was your day babe?" Jon asks, starting the conversation.

"Pretty eventful. Sarah and Ellie came over for a bit." I tell him.

"Oh yeah? What did you guys do?" He looks at me.

"Well Ellie played with her toys while I talked to Sarah. Then we ran some errands together, then came home and started dinner." I smile at him.

"Ahh.. Sounds like a fun day. Glad you and Sarah got to see each other." Jon's so sweet.

"Yeah. How was your day? What'd you do all day?" I ask him.

"Well, I had practice, then me and Kaner went to lunch. Then Brent wanted me to come over and help him with his backyard. So did that, then came home to this lovely home cooked meal. Thank you." He says.

After we get done eating, and of course he has to keep his fork and digs at his teeth. Oh Jonny.

Well here goes nothing. Let's hope he takes it okay.

"Jonny, there's something I need to tell you." I avoid eye contact with him. He sends a worried smile at me.

"Uh, okay. What is it." He slowly asks, while putting his fork in the sink and putting his full attention on me. Here it goes...

"I..I am.. I-I." I get frustrated with my words.

"Bre, just tell me. C'mon." Jon pushes. He grabs me hand.

"Jonathan I.. Um.. I'm 3 months pregnant." I spit out. He looks like a deer in the headlights. He suddenly stands up. Oh great.

"YOUR WHAT???" He yells.

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