Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Bre's POV

It's the 2nd period and we tied with the Penguins at 4-4. The tension in this place is unreal. Gran is still holding my hand and she's cursing up a storm at all the players. It's too cute.

"JONATHAN, ARENT YOU GOING TO PUNCH SIDNEY... HE JUST PUSHED YOU. CMON HIT HIM." She yells at Jonathan. I don't know if he heard her, but everybody else did and they're laughing. Kaner looks back at us and he winks at Gran... Oh no. These two.

"Grans going to get it before I do. Holy crap." Jaden tells me in my ear.

"Probably." I laugh. A little while later Jonathan sets Patrick up for a goal and it goes in. Everybody was cheering and had smiles on there faces, except one Sidney Crosby... Who clearly didn't like that Jonathan was cheering with his teammates right in front of us. So when they all split up, Sidney pushes Jonathan. Jaden helps me up and I stand with Gran. Jon shakes his head, which makes Sidney push him again. Jon looks at me, I know he's asking for permission.

"DROP YOUR GLOVES AND DANCE." I yell to him. He nods and boy does he dance. He kicks Sidney's butt. Sidney got one punch in, while Jonathan got many. Jonathan drops both of them to the ice and that's when the refs stepped in and pulled Jonathan off of Sidney. Sidney's face was bleeding, I couldn't help but laugh. Jon goes into the locker room.

Soon enough we are in the locker room congratulating the team on their 6-4 win. Gran is over with Patty and Jaden is talking to Corey. While I'm sitting in Jonathan's stall, talking to him. Man I have to pee, like really bad.

"Jon I'm about to pee myself." I tell him. As I'm halfway to the restroom and in the middle of the locker room, I pee myself. Everybody laughs. I don't laugh because there's a incredible pain in my stomach, I scream out... Omg this can't be happening right now.

"MY WATER JUST BROKE." I scream. Everybody looks scared, Jonathan comes up to me and picks me up bridal style. I'm now crying and trying to breathe.

"Breathe baby.... Breathe." Jon coos at me. He speeds to the hospital.

•3 hours later•

"You did it baby. We have a baby boy." Jonathan says, crying. I grab his hand. I faintly smile at him.

"We did it." I tell him. He kisses me.

"They took the baby back to wash him and everything. I got to cut the in
umbilical cord. It was the best thing in my life. I can't believe I'm a daddy now. Oh thank you Bre for letting me be your baby's father. I love you." He said trough tears.

"Oh baby. I'm glad your the father of our baby. I wouldn't have it any other way, Jon. I love you too." Not going to lie, but we made out until Marian, Gran, Jaden, Patty and... My dad?

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE? GET OUT." I yell at my father. He laughs at me.

"You just had my first grandchild. I think I can be here for that." He smirks at me. Gosh I hate him.

"No it doesn't. Your not going to treat me like crap then decide that you want to be in my life because I had your grandchild. Um no. So I suggest that you waddle right back out of this room and go back to where you came from." I snap at him. Nobody in the room is saying anything, they look shocked to say the least.

"Quit being a dumb brat and just let me see my grandson. Now." He demands at me. Jon has his fists tense from what he called me. I can't blame him.

"Okay, no. This is my son, MINE. And I'm the mother, so I get to pick whose in his life or not. And you are not going to be anywhere near my son. Got it. Now leave before I call the police." I threaten him. He gives us a smirk then quickly leaves. I let out a huge breath that I didn't know I had.

"You okay?" Jon asks me. I nod.

"Just peachy. Where's my son?" I ask him. He shrugs. Then the nurse comes in with my baby boy. I sit up so happy.

"Miss, you do know that your son has Down Syndrome... Right?" The nurse asks me. I nod at her.

"As long as he's healthy, that's all I need. He's healthy right?" I hopefully ask her. She smiles.

"He's extremely healthy. You can probably leave tomorrow morning, after the doctor looks over your stitches." She tells me. I'm confused.

"I have stitches? Where?" I ask her. She looks embarrassed.

"On your... You know, downstairs area." She tells me. Oh.. Really.

"Oh. Okay. Now pass over my baby, please." I sweetly demand her. She chuckles and places the precious little boy in my arms.

"Oh my, he's so beautiful Jon." I say aloud. I look at Jon and he has tears in his eyes. I scoot over and tell him to sit by me.

"BreAnna, he's so heavenly." My Gran says to me. She comes over and places a kiss on my forehead and gives Jon a thumbs up before she leaves the room.

"We will come back later. The new parents should have some time alone with their baby. Right Pat, Corey?" Jaden says. They all nod.

"Marian, you can come with us." She asks him. He shakes his head.

"I'll be there in a minute." He tells her. Jaden nods and leaves the room.

"Marsy, come here." I tell him. He comes over and kisses my head.

"Guys, you did a wonderful job. He's so... Perfect. I love him already." He says with a couple of tears streaming down his face. I wiped them away.

"Thank you for everything Marsy. I love you." I tell him. He gives me and awkward hug because the baby is still in my arms. We laugh. He walks over to Jonathan's side and gives him a hug.

"Well, I'll see you guys later. I love you three." He smiles.

"We love you too." Jon tells him. Marian walks out of the room leaving us three alone.

"Tyler Jonathan Toews." I say while smoothly running my hand on his soft head.

"I love it, babe. Hi mister Tyler, I'm you daddy." Jon says in a baby voice. Aw he's so cute. I lean up to give him a kiss.

"I love you so much Jonathan Bryan Toews. So freaking much." I honesty tell him.

"And I love you BreAnna Leigh Adams. So so much." He kisses me.

Man my life if perfect right now. I don't want this to end.

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