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"Do you know her?"

Sana gripped in her orange juice as she looks at the girl in the motorcycle. She looks at you and shook her head.

"No, I don't and I don't want to know her name."

She lied and she walks away. You watch her throw her juice in the trash can and turn her head to you.

"Are you going to follow me or what?"

You didn't say anything and looked at the girl who is sitting in her motorcycle. She looks at you.

You looked away and follow Sana.

You saw Sana getting in the car. Then the girl in the motorcycle block your way. She smirks and stared at you.


She said with a smile. You stared at her.

"Wanna ride?" She asks.

Sana get off her car and glared at you.

"Get in the fucking car, Y/N."

She caught my eyes..


Sana stole my heart.


I'm gonna try to write again, wish me luck. :)


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