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═════ Chapter thirty-five ; ❝ Eradicate ❞ ═════

"You're in a good mood today, Jisoo. Look at you, you're smiling." Lisa said as she treat Jisoo's wounds. Jisoo stares at the younger girl with a smile.

"This is the first time I've seen you smile."

"Then you're the lucky person, Lalisa," The older girl laughs.

"Done, I'll bring this back and cook you food." Lisa said.

Lisa stood up and she grabs the first aid kit and bring it back to where it belongs but Jisoo caught her hand.

"Can you stay for a while? I want to cuddle with you."

Lisa looked at her and nodded. Then Jisoo pulls her against her chest. "Woah, that was a little aggressive." Lisa mumbled. Jisoo's fingers intertwined with Lisa's.

Lisa looked up at her. Jisoo's other hand runs through Lisa's hair. The older girl saw the girl's face is getting closer to hers. As Lisa's face got closer Jisoo's.

A noise interrupted them.



"Uh.. who are you?" You asked.

The girl becomes even more surprised when you didn't remember her. She stared at you then Lucas came into the view. The look of Lucas made him gulp.

"Hey, Lucas.." The girl said and look back at you.

Lucas gives her a slow nod. You tap his shoulder and he turns to look at you, gives you a smile. "Hey, you can look around the house, babe." He said.

You nod and walked away, heading upstairs.

"What the fuck? Babe? What the heck happened here? And how did you find her? This shit is making me crazy." The girls asked as she grips her hair.

Lucas turns to look at you and saw you walking around upstairs. Lucas looks at the girl.

He stepped out of the house then closes the door. "Let's talk about this away from my house, alright?" He forcedly grabbed the girl's arm.

"What the fuck, get your hands off me." The girl pushed him away. Lucas hissed.

"Let's talk here, right now." She said.


"I-.. I don't know, alright? I just found her.."

"You liar! I'll beat your face until you die. Why does she have a bandage on her head? What happened to her?"

The girl grabs the collar of his shirt. "This isn't a good place to talk about this, Irene. We need to go somewhere private." Lucas said.


Mina heads to the car, outside their house. She gets in and looks at Chanyeol. "Remember the address and keep an eye on her." Mina said and put on her seatbelt.

"Got it." Chanyeol said.

"But ma'am, seems like Ms. Minatozaki isn't behind all of this. Earlier, one of my boys saw Lucas in a parking lot with a girl and he is like in a hurry."

Chanyeol handed his phone to Mina. Mina looks deep into the picture but she can't see the girl's face.

"Did he see the girl's face?" Mina asked.

"Yes, he did but then we got a problem after that, he forgot. That made our investigation harder." Chanyeol said. Mina gives back the phone.

She screamed in anger. Chanyeol only looks down and felt the anger inside the car.

Mina looks at him and grabs the collar of his shirt.

"I want you.. I want you to do everything to find Y/N! You got it? I won't stop until I find her!" She breathes out then slowly laughs. Chanyeol nods.

"We'll try and find her as soon as possible, ma'am."

Mina let him go and chuckled.


"So you're telling me, you hit her with a car and she was.. pregnant?" Irene was speechless. "By who?"

"Sana." Lucas answered.

"And she got a fuckin' amnesia and now she's living with you?" Irene asked. Lucas nods and smiles.

"Isn't it that great? I can finally live with her."

Irene cleared her throat.

"You also have a problem though." Lucas' smile faded. "Oh, police are trying to find her. Don't worry, I'll keep her safe, police won't-"

"I also like your little hostage." Irene smiles.

Lucas' eyes widened. "O-Oh-"

"You don't remember?" She asked as she steps closer to him. "You don't remember when.. you used my name to scare off Myoui Mina?" Lucas steps backward.

"I do remember that, don't worry. But right now though, I'm her boyfriend and she needs me by her side." Lucas said. Irene grabbed her pocket knife.

"So many excuses.. you said before that if we both had her, we will share her. Hmm.."

She pressed the pocket knife against his abdomen. "I mean people change." Lucas said.

"I guess there's no point of living in this-" Irene was about to stab him, it was cut off by a call of Lucas' name.

"Lucas..?" You stepped outside and look around. Lucas' gasped then run to you. "Hey, babe, uhm.. go back inside." He said. You both went inside the house.

Irene follows both of you. Lucas sat you down on the couch and go to the kitchen. Irene closes the door. "Uhm.. are you Lucas' friend?" Irene looks at you.

She nods. "Yeah."

"Hi, I am Y/N.. that's all I remember in my name and I'm Lucas' girlfriend, yeah.. that's all Lucas told me."

Irene crossed her arms and sigh. "Irene."

"I can't believe you, Lucas. You killed the child."


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