Chapter One

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You let a small smile appear on your face after reading the last chapter of your favorite yandere story, yet the smile disappears once you realize...

...that you have nothing interesting to read after this story.

You put two AirPods in your ears and turn on your favorite song allowing the lyrics to flow through your ears.

You started reading yandere fanfictions ever since they came out, you also listen and watch those yandere ASMR videos.

They just satisfy you even though some people(*Cough* YouTubers) say that it is cringy, but you never and will never think of them in that way.

And you adore the reader inserts because they are amazing, those stories make you have thoughts about what if you had Light Yagami or Katsuki Bakugou as real-life boyfriends who are yandere for you.

Would that make you scared as in the stories? Or would you be more accepting of it?

You get pulled out of your thoughts when the bus you are instills at the bus stop near your home.

You place your pack back over your shoulder and make your way out of the bus.

But when you were just about to leave, a girl with dyed pink hair in the first seat of the bus places something in your hand.

You stare at her in confusion as she winks at you and whispers 'That's for you'

"Are you getting down or not, girl? We don't have all day" you brush off the bus driver's crude comment then step off the bus.

You bring the item up to your nose, smelling it.

"That smells nice" you mumble before placing the object in your back pocket

On your way home, you start to feel light-headed and your stomach is pleading with you to sit down or drink something that has sugar in it.

However, your tired body gives out and you lose consciousness within a few seconds.


You gulp at the sight of the familiar handsome anime boy in front of you.

Light Yagami

You don't know how you ended up in his room or on his bed dressed in a completely different outfit.

"I see that you have finally woken up" 

His voice is just the same in the series, smooth.

"Can you please tell me where you have found me?" You ask polity and in a shy tone, feeling embarrassed to be talking to someone as handsome as Light. 

Even though you always kept watching hot edits and amv about him.

"In front of my doorsteps, you were unconscious" your mouth opens trying to find words to say, but closes again when you find none.

"Your throat must be dry, have some water" Light hands to you the glass of water on the nightstand beside his bed.

As you drink from the glass, he examines your face and body as if he hadn't done that first time he found you.

Light has met many girls in his life, and every one of them threw themselves at his feet, yet he felt attracted to you.

He feels the need to protect you from the cruel world in one way or another.

"Thank you" you stutter out as he takes the glass from you and sits it back on the nightstand.

To be honest, you want to expose him to being Kira, but it won't be a smart move because Light could easily kill you.

Plus, you enjoy playing the unaware girl who doesn't know that she is dealing with a killer like Light.

"I'm Yagami Light, what's your name?"

"I'm (Y/n)" the brown-haired boy raises an eyebrow.

"So where are you from? Why were you laying on my doorsteps?" Light interrogates you.

 "I-I...I don't remember anything" you lie while looking at him with your doe eyes, trying to look genuine about your words.

The Yagami boy doesn't buy what you are saying, but let's go of it because as much as you look suspicious, Light doesn't want you to return home so soon.

If he can lock you up in his room forever to protect you, he would do it.

How unfortunate that he is being watched right now by a certain famous detective.

"Don't worry, I will keep you safe" 

Light does the most unexpected thing ever, he embraces you.

That's when you realize that maybe Light is a bit yandere for you.

'Light Yagami is yandere for me? OH MY GOD'

you hug the boy back, and lay your head on his chest, absorbing some of his warmness.

"Thank you"

And without hesitation, you do what you have always wanted to do when you imagined meeting your favorite anime character.

You kiss Light on the cheek, then pull away quickly.


L stares at his computer closely with a lollipop in his mouth, his eyes glued on you through the screen.

You, a strange girl who suddenly appeared unconscious on the Yagami's household porch is now hugged by Light Yagami, a person who only chatted with you for a while.

His suspicious about you being the second Kira now became thirty percent.

"Ryuzaki!" Matsuda rushes in quickly.

"Did you find anything about the girl, Matsuda?" L asks, not removing his eyes from the computer, from you.

"There's not a single information about the girl, I searched for a face like hers on the ID profiles yet found nothing of her"

And the 30% chance of you being the second Kira drops to zero, after receiving the new information.

Lawliet sighs, for the first time in his life he feels the need to save you from Light.

As he believes that Light is Kira and if Light is Kira, that means that you are in big danger.

L wants to have you all to himself, but to achieve such a goal, he has to prove that Light Yagami is Kira.

But first, he needs to go and introduce himself to you just like he did with Light.

"You know Ryuzaki, that girl cute, Lucky Light gets all the pretty girls" 

"Stop talking nonsense and go back to your work, Matsuda"

"Well, you do have to admit that she is a beauty queen with that body and face"


"Coming Yagami-san!"

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