Chapter Thirty

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You are panicking so much right now, from the fact that the reason you are coughing up blood is that you traveled universes many times.

Damn it, Ryu never told you that this is from the side effects of universe traveling.

Actually, that bastard never told you about any side effects! forgot all about Ryu and your coughing problem when you met Toge Inumaki.

"Is it even ok for you to have her here wandering around in our school?" Maki asks, pointing a finger at you.


You place your hands on your cheeks to ease the uprising heat in them, as you look with a lovey-dovey gaze at the white-haired boy.

"I'm (Y/n)" you introduce yourself.

"Bonito flakes" the seconds year boy responds, his eyes not moving away from yours.

"Hi, to you too, Mr. Panda" you greet the talking cursed corpse, who is happy that you noticed him.

"Finally, someone who doesn't consider me an animal!" you giggle while Megumi and Maki roll their eyes.

"You are an animal" the green-haired girl inserts bluntly.

"Can you tell us how you know about curses and sorcerer's powers, (Y/n)-chan?" Yuji asks with a polite tone.

"I just read about it" you lie.

No, actually, that's not a lie at all, you read about it in Jujustu Kasian's manga.

"How do you see curses then?" Megumi inquires.

"With my eyes, duh"

Yeah, that's not a good answer as the Fushiguro boy becomes more suspecting of you.

'Damn, no wonder why I like your daddy more than you, Megumi'

While being in deep thoughts, Yuji is having a fight in his head with Sukuna.

'Don't stand out like an idiot, and flirt with her, brat'

'How am I supposed to do that?! She is too beautiful'

'Just tell her what you want to do her in bed'

"Are you blushing, Yuji?" Nobara's question pulls the pink-haired out of his conflict.

"What? No!" The ginger head girl raises a teasing eyebrow.

"You are thinking about (Y/n), aren't you?"

Megumi and Toge both look at Yuji and frown deeply.

They can't let Yuji have you just because he is the hero of the story.

"Umm, excuse me" you turn around to face a girl with purple hair.

"How can I help you?"

Strange, you have never seen a girl like her in the universe nor in high school.

Maybe, she is just a random bystander.

"Can I speak with you for a moment alone?" Maki answers for you.

"I have never seen you around here, are you new?"

She is wearing the school's uniform, but the gang is sure that they saw someone like her around here before.

"Yes, now can I speak with (Y/n) alone" the demanding tone in her voice didn't go unnoticed by Toge.



"Ryu, your girlfriend is in danger" the universe traveler is surprised when one of his friends barges into his office.

"What are you talking about, Nala?"

Ryu's minds swirl with thoughts about you, feeling overprotective all of a sudden.

He has been busy with work lately which forced him to stay away from you.

But now, hearing that you are in danger...

...fuck work and his boss

"Mitsu found out about (Y/n) and she wants to kill her"

Looks, like Ryu, is going to commit a crime soon and the victim is going to be Mitsu.

"It is about time I got rid of that psycho bitch"


"I'm not sure if it is ok to spy on (Y/n)" the panda mumbles to Toge as he watches you speak with the unfamiliar girl.


Meanwhile, you and the girl speak with eachother.

"So you are the slut that Ryu has taken an interest in?"

Your eyes widen at the girl's insult, feeling angry.

"Who the fuck do you think you are to speak with me like that?" You demand.

"I'm Mitsu's, Ryu's future wife" you chuckle, which made the said girl angry.

"Is there something funny?" you nod at her.

"Yes, the fact that your future husband is my boyfriend"

Yes, how have the tables turned, and now Mitsu is the enraged one.

"Well, getting rid of you will solve the problem wouldn't it"

And before you could do anything, Mitsu hits you harshly in the stomach, making you fly in the air and land on your back.

You quickly think of One punch's manpower to use it on the girl.

However...your nose only started to bleed when you tried to think of the power or any power.

"Oh, looks like traveling universes abused your copycat power, such a pity that I'm going to kill you with one strike.

Just when Mitsu was about to end you, a voice stops her.

More like Toge's cursed speech is what stopped her.

"Stop"  More like Toge's cursed speech is what stopped her

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