Chapter Ten

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You were planning to stay in Hunter x Hunter longer, and even planning on summoning Ryu.

However, you don't know how to summon Ryu nor were you able to stay conscious enough to stay in the universe which ended in you getting transported to another universe.

To be more specific about this matter, you have been transferred to the Castlevania universe...but not the show...the graphics seem to be different than the Netflix series, it looks exactly like Ayami Kojima art.

Doesn't matter to you as long as Alucard is looking as fabulous as ever, standing in front of you with all his glory.

"What are you doing here, miss?" you get up from the floor and stare at the light-haired dhampir.

"I was...just exploring" your response made him raise an eyebrow at you.

"Exploring my home, a home of a total stranger? Interesting" you sigh after getting called out for your lie by him.

"Okay you got me there, I just woke up and found myself in your castle, Alucard-"

Your eyes widen when you realize you just called the dhampir by his name, which you are not supposed to know about.

Within seconds, you are shoved against the cold hard stone wall, Alucard's body pressed against yours with a sword against your neck, and peers his sharp fangs at you.

"Who sent you?!" He demands angerily.

"Woah there!" You raise your hands in surrender, trying to show him that you mean no harm.

"Nobody sent me, why would anyone send a powerless human like me to kill a powerful vampire like yourself"

Adrian doesn't let his guard down, instead, his suspiciousness only increases.

"That still doesn't explain how a human-like yourself knows who I am" you giggle nervously when you feel the tip of his sword graze your delicate neck.

"Well, who doesn't know the famous Alucard who has killed his father and saved humanity" Adrian backs away from you, removing his sword away from your neck.

Honestly, you should win an Oscar for your amazing acting skills.

"Listen, I-" he stops you.

"Do you wish to stay here?" The offer stunned you, you have never imagined that he would suggest such a thing in the first place...after what happened with him, you know Sumi and Taka, the vampire hunters trying to kill him.

Now, he is asking you to stay in his castle? That's quite unusual.

Truth be told, Alucard only offered to let you stay is because he is strangely attracted to you, even though he doesn't know the reason.

Maybe, he pressed his body against yours just for skin contact.

However, his intentions are not good when he offered that you stay at his castle.

"Yes, I mean if you don't mind, of course, sir" you stumble with your words.

Alucard slightly smirks for a second, before returning to the usual dull experission on his face.

"Follow me, I will show you to your new room"



Alucard locked you up and announced that you aren't leaving the castle any time soon.

Instead of crying for him to let you out, you are calm and collected about the whole matter, not freaking over being detained.

Yet, you don't know the real reason why Alucard locked you up, you think that he locked you in this room because he is still skeptical of you, not that he is a yandere for you.

A few hours have passed since you last saw the blond dhampir when suddenly the door to your room opens.

Should you start panicking and ask why he imprisoned like the readers from those kidnapping stories?

Or should you keep staying calm?

"What do you want from me? just let me leave, please"

You decided to go with the first thought, considering you didn't want him to suspect you for the weird behavior of you not being frightened.

"I'm feeling lonely, and you seem like you are a good company to have here"

After understanding what he meant, you sympathize with him.

"Listen, I could still stay here, but you don't have to cage me like a bird" you exclaim, causing Alucard to shook his head in disagreement.

"How am I ensured that you are not and won't leave as soon as I gave you freedom?"

Certainly, you are going to be rich soon enough if every character develops their yandere side with you.

Alucard pushes you on the bed behind you, before getting on top of you, pinning your delicate body down with his vast one.

"I don't know why or what spell you have used on me, yet I have fallen deeply for you"

'That's really cliché, dude'

You couldn't help but allow your face to heat up from the closure between your bodies.

"Can you get off me?" You request politely as to not anger him.

"No..." Alucard leans his lips closer to your left ear, allowing his hot breath to hit your sensitive skin which gives you goosebumps.

"Not until I get what I want from you first"

This is going to be a long night.


"I can't find her anywhere"

"Where could she go? Did she forget about the test?!"

Killua and Gon are both worried about you, where have you gone to? Did Hisoka kidnap you?

Of course not, Hisoka looked even surprised when he saw Gon searching for you, so he cannot be the culprit.

"Well, we have to keep searching for her until we find her" Gon nods in agreement.

Gon and Killua won't admit it to each other, but they have a feeling that you might be in grief danger.

Little do they know, Hisoka is also searching for you right now.


Ryu watches you and Alucard from afar while hiding in a tree near the castle, a smirk appears on his face when Alucard pins you to the bed.

It is a fun sight for him to see all those men throw themselves at you just to make you theirs.

A perfect yandere harem, any girl in your place would die to have.

However...Ryu is a bit jealous of the anime characters, because deep down...he has also developed feelings for you.

That's why he meets you in the hunter x hunter universe, due to him knowing very well that you have enough coins to stay in that universe and be with Hisoka.

'Goddamn it (Y/n), you can make any guy go yandere for you'

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