Chapter Eleven

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"Those handcuffs are causing me discomfort, L" you state, hoping to get the attention of the famous dark-haired male

And it brilliantly works, as the said male turns towards you, holding a small spoon in his mouth.

"Do you want me to ask Watari to get you some candy? It might ease your discomfort by fifty percent" L asks, making you nod your head.

"Sure! That would be nice, L" you exclaim happily.

"Call me Ryuzaki" your face heats up when his eyes meet yours.


"It would be less formal if you call me Ryuzaki instead, (Y/n)-chan"

Light watches the instruction between you and Llawliet intensely, feeling hatred grow inside him towards the famous detective.

‘’Who is she, Light?’’ Misa demands as she clutches into her boyfriend’s arm possessively when she notices him staring at you.

‘’That is (Y/n) …a friend of mine’’

You raise an eyebrow in disbelief at Light, not understanding why did he hesitate to call you a friend? Did he not consider you a friend of his?

Or maybe he just wanted you two to be more than friends.

‘’I’m Misa, Light’s girlfriend, and the only girlfriend’’ you press your lips, amused by her childish blunt attitude.

However, you know for sure that Mise is anything but stupid, therefore you must be careful around her or your name might end in the death note.

‘’You don’t need to worry about me taking away Light from you- ‘’ she cuts you off angrily.

‘’You can’t and won’t take my Light away from me’’ you ignore her and continue, unbothered by her outburst.

‘’-as I’m already in love with another person’’

Your announcement shocked everyone, even L is now more interested in the conversation than ever.

‘’And who is that lucky person you have fallen for, (Y/n)-chan?’’ the Yagami boy inquires calmly to not look suspicious.

‘’Ryuzaki-Senpai” you exclaim happily, suddenly grabbing the pale man’s hand, intertwining your dainty fingers with his tall ones.

‘’I would have never imagined anyone could fall for a pervert like him’’ you clutch your jaw at the blond.

‘’Why not? He is handsome, kind and most of all, intelligent, a thing every woman searches for in a man, don’t you agree?’’

You are fueling Light’s anger with your words of defense towards L

You don’t know L enough to fall in love with him, so how come you claim to be in love with him?

Little does Light know that you know everything about Ryuzaki which is enough to make you love him and hold him, dear, to your heart

‘’But he is also creepy’’

‘’At least he is not accused of being a potential Kira’’

Okay, you might have gone far with your sentence, yet you couldn’t let her get away with her annoying insult.

Llawliet pulls the spoon away from his lips and places it back on the plate.

"I do also like you" your eyes brighten up.

"However, I only love you ninety percent" your smiles get replaced with a pout.

"Where is the other ten percent?"

"When you are proven innocent"

"You are so mean, Ryuzaki-Senpai" you whine, before snatching away his cake.

"And for being so mean to me, I will eat your cake" when you notice the burning stare of your brunet friend.

"Do you also want some cake, Light-senpai?"


You have never imagined yourself to be put in such a position in your life.

...well, maybe you did imagine it in one-shot.

Right now, you are laying on the bed in between Light and L, trying to fall asleep.

However, that is not going to happen soon due to Ryuzaki just sitting on the bed in his usual way, looking down at the laptop in front of him, and Light is wide awake, reading a book.

"Can you two please sleep" you beg with an annoyed tone, feeling disturbed by the drastic atmosphere.

"You and Light can go to sleep, I have some work to finish" your left eye twitch in displeasure.

"Well, I clearly cannot do that with the light coming reflecting from your laptop screen, Ryuzaki-senpai’’ you point out.

‘’She is right, we all should go to sleep, Ryuzaki’’ Light says, placing the book on the night beside the bed.

L closes his laptop and places it on the nightstand slowly before getting under the covers.

Light closes his phone flashlight and slides down to lay comfortably on his back, facing you which made you move on your back to not face him.

"Are you two going to keep looking at me like creeps?" you say, feeling their stares at you.

"And what is wrong with that?" Llawliet wraps a hand around your waist.

"I think there is no problem if help you get comfortable, (Y/n)-chan" Light also seizes your waist.

Just before you could protest, everything goes silent.

Your eyes widen when you realize that Light nor L are making any movements.

A familiar man appears in front of the bed, with crossed arms over his chest.


"I think we need to have a little conversation" 

"Then can you free me from their grasps first? I'm kind of stuck"

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