Chapter Twenty-One

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"Thanks for ruining my day, Ryu"

"No problem, sweetheart" the universe traveler smirks down at you.

You can't help but smile a bit at him, even though his attitude annoys you on many levels...

...Yet his stupid handsome face makes up for it.

"I'm going to leave now" you shrug.

"Ok, leave, see you later"

When you turn around to walk away from him, he stops you in your track by pulling you toward him by the waist.

"W-what do you think you are doing, Ryu?!" you stutter out the words, trying to push him away yet his grasp on you is strong.

"Giving you a goodbye kiss"

You close your eyes tightly expecting to feel his lips on yours, instead, you feel them on your forehead.

"Huh?!" Your eyes shoot open only to see that he has disappeared off.

You place your hand where he kissed you before a small smile graces your face.

"Ryu, you little tease"

You mumble as you walk back to the awaiting trio who has murderous expressions on their face as if someone just stole something precious from them.

"I'm surprised that you have a boyfriend like him"

Those are the first words Shouto spats once you reach them.

"I believe I did understand what you are implying, sho-chan"

"I agree with Todoroki-kun, you could do much better, (Y/n)" Izuku adds.

"Your taste in men is horrible" Katsuki mocks, causing you to raise an eyebrow.

"You are right, no wonder why I thought you were good-looking, Kacchan" you fire back with a smile.

"Why you bitch-" Shouto cuts the blond off.

"Anyway, who are you going to stay with?" you bite your bottom lip for a few seconds, pretending to think.

"I want to stay with..." You move your finger in the air until it stops in Deku's direction.

"...Izuku-chan" the green-haired boy's face turns a scarlet color of red, the fact that you picked him made him flustered.

"That's a ton of bullshit!'

"Well, too bad for you, it's my choice, not yours, Kacchan"

Shouto frowns not liking the thought of you being with Izuku, not only is Izuku his competition at the academy, but he is also his rival in winning over your love.

"Now, let's go, Izuku"


"I would like to introduce (Y/n), a friend of mine, Okaa-chan" you smile and bow your head in respect at Inko.

"Nice to meet you, Midoriya-san" the woman squeals and grabs your hand to drag you into the living room.

"Please drop the formalities and call me Inko, I thought I would never see the day my son would bring a pretty girl home"

You giggle, while Deku looks like he is about to die from embarrassment.

"Go and bring (Y/n) something to drink as I wish to speak to her alone"

Izuku gives you an apologetic stare, before taking his leave to the kitchen.

"So, tell me (y/n), do you have any feelings for Izuku, as he likes to speak about you a lot" your eyes grew in size at her words, getting flustered quickly.

"He does?"

You are not that surprised, after all, Izuku is a yandere so it is normal that he likes you, however, you thought differently about him keeping the matter to himself.


Of course, he also has fallen for you...oh no I wasn't supposed to say that"

Honestly, Inko is a precious mom.

You simp for her.

"Don't worry, I also like your son, Midori-Inko" you confess, not lying at all.

"You know what, forget about calling me Inko, call me mother instead"



"Yes, Gon?"

"I miss (Y/n)"

The white-haired boy sighs, before looking at his friend.

"Well, you are not the only one"

Killua admits that he misses you dearly, even though he seems like he doesn't give a damn.

"I hope we meet her again" Gon utters out.

"We will, and I promise you that I  won't allow her to leave again"

Killua wasn't raised in a family of assassins for nothing.

He knows the way to cage someone and torture.

Hopefully, he won't have to torture you if you try to escape.

A/n: I have decided to update a chapter every three days, the next chapter will be on Monday.

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