Chapter Fifteen

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You haven't slept a bit last night, you stayed up all night looking at the ceiling, thinking about the events that occurred the last few days.

You got to meet your favorite anime characters, and they fall hard for you as in they become yandere for you.

That is every otaku girl's dream, however, the existence of the coin system is making the process of living your dream bitter, because you never get to spend enough time with the characters.

Maybe you could discuss that with Ryu when he appears in front of you again.

You have got nothing to lose if he rejected your idea.

Suddenly, you hear a knock at the door which pulls you out of your thoughts.

"Come in" 

Once the person on the other side of the door hears your permission, he enters the room.

"Good morning, I hope you have slept well, (Y/n)" Kid walks towards your bed holding an outfit in his hands. 

"Yes, I slept very well last night, thanks for asking" you lie, getting out of bed.

"What is this outfit for?" you ask curiously, examining the outfit Kid hands to you.

"Well, considering that after yesterday's accident..." Kid shivers after he remembers your harsh hits yet continues speaking.

"...I didn't get the chance to give you something comfortable to wear" you smile sweetly at him.

"Thank you, I really appreciate everything you have done for me so far-" he cuts you off.

"And also your outfit doesn't really look that symmetrical, disgusting"

"Kid" you clutch your fist tightly, a tick mark appearing on the corner of your head, showing your annoyance.


"You are the last person to speak about symmetry especially with that hair of yours"

Let us just say, you didn't have to say that, because you spent the next two hours trying to calm him down.


While taking a stroll in town alongside Kid, you meet Soul and Blackstar, or rather those two were the ones waiting for you much to lord death's son displeasure.

After all, he wanted to have you all to himself this afternoon without the two boy's interference, yet his plan doesn't go as he wants.

"Hey, (Y/n)! Looking good, but not better than me of course" you roll your eyes playfully at the blue-haired boy's compliment.

"Thank you, and you also look charming today, Black Star" the said boy blushes at your words

This time, it is Soul who rolls his eyes in annoyance, so he decided to cut off the 'sweet' moment between you and his friend.

"Are you going to enroll in the academy or have you already enrolled in it?" Soul asks.

"As I already told Kid, I won't be staying long in this town" Black Star's eyes widen in horror.

"WHAT?WHY?"  Black Star places his hands on your shoulders, shooking your body harshly.

Death the Kid sighs before he removes the hysteric reaper away from you, saving you from getting sick from all the shaking.

"Black Star, calm down, (Y/n) travels a lot so she won't be able to stay here for long" Kid explains, causing Soul to frown.

"And why is that? What, are we not good enough for you to stay here"

Soul is guilt-tripping you on purpose, something you didn't notice.

" is not that, it is out of my power to stay here for long, you see" you nervously utter out, trying not to sound rude or to appear to be lying in front of the boy trio.

Out of nowhere, you start feeling a bit light head, which you took as a dangerous sight that you are going to faint.

'If you three will excuse me...I need to get to the bathroom real quick" 

Giving him a fake, you don't wait for their answer before taking off quickly.


Waking up in the middle of a dual battle between Seto Kaiba and And Yugi...or Atem who is in Yugi's body to be more specific seems like any girl's dream.

But, the fierce glare of the CEO made you want the ground to open and swallow you.

"Woah, a pretty girl!" Joey exclaims, pointing at you as if you were an animal in the zoo.

"Who are you?" Atem demands, with his arms crossed over his chest, looking as cool as handsome as ever.

"I'm-" Seto cuts you off.

"Who cares about her? Hurry up and get out of here, we have a dual to finish" he orders you.

"Wow, someone is rude" Joey chuckles at your words.

"Well, that is Kaiba for you" you smile at the blond-haired boy, already on your feet.

"I'm sorry to interrupt this battle" Seto sneers at you.

"Whatever, just get out of the way already" Yami Yugi walks up to you.

"I think we should continue this battle some other time, Kaiba" you look at Atem with shock, not believing that he has just rescheduled one of his battles with Seto for you.

Atem also couldn't believe his eyes when he first saw you, you resemble someone he knew in his time era.

His fiancee, you exactly resemble his fiancee with your (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and those sticking beautiful features.

"Get out of my way, you foolish girl" Seto walks past you angerily, making sure to bump shoulders into you.

Great, you already made Seto hate you without even trying to do anything.

Once he gets into his car and drives away, Joey, Duke, Tristan run up to you and Yugi/Atem.

"Just ignore Seto, he is always like that" Tristan says, trying to comfort you, thinking that you are sad about the way the CEO spoke to you.

"We still haven't gotten your name" Duke points out.

"Well, I'm (Y/n), and you three are...?"

"Yugi Muuto"

"Tristan Taylor"

"Duke Devlin"

"And I'm Joey Wheeler, your possible future boyfriend" the blonde introduces, trying to flirt with you.

Atem narrows his eyes at you suspiciously, causing you to get nervous.

"How did you appear out of nowhere in the middle of mine and Kaiba's duel"

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