Chapter Seven

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"I'm sorry"


"I'm so sorry!"


"I'm sorry-" Ciel cuts you off.

"Stop apologizing, I get that you are a bad dancer, however, you don't need to apologize to me every time you step on my feet" your face heat up in embarrassment, and nod.

You have been dancing with the ink blue-haired boy for the past ten minutes, and your feet are starting to hurt.

"I feel tired, can we rest?" You plead, trying to pull away from Ciel's tight grasp on you.

"No, we shall stop when the music stops, Lady (Y/n)" you let out small whines.

"I'm not a lady though" you point out, not understanding why he keeps calling you by a title that you are entitled to have, due to not being of a high class.

"You are soon to be one" you hear Ciel mumble to himself, making you more confused.

'I'm soon to be a lady, what is he talking about...he can't possibly mean what I'm thinking...can he?'

While you are deep in thoughts, the young lord is trying not to stare at your face too much, not wanting you to notice his staring and embarrass him, after all, he has a reputation to keep up.

You have that innocent aura surrounding you, your doe (e/c) eyes are enough to make anyone fall in love with you. 

However, Ciel can't say he is attracted to you because of your looks, even though he considers you in his eyes one of the prettiest girls he has ever met in life.

Yet, for some reason, there is just an inside voice in his head that he has to make you his no matter what it costs.

While still dancing, you caught the eyes of the demon butler staring at you from across the room, when your eyes meet his red eyes.

Sebastian smirks at you playfully, causing you to blush and hid your face in Ciel's shoulder to hide away the red tints on your cheeks.

"What are you doing, Lady (Y/n)?!"

Ciel's heart thumbs loudly against his chest, trying not to panic at the sudden affectionate action, something very inappropriate for a lady to do.

The boy doesn't want to admit it, he wants you to keep stay like this for hours.

Unfortunately, the music finishes and everyone stops dancing to retreat to their talking partner leaving you and Ciel to walk back to Sebastian.

"Did you enjoy your time with lady (Y/n), young master?" the said boy sends a harsh glare at his Butler's teasing question.

"Acceptable, yet she needs some dancing lessons to heighten her dancing skill" you ignore his offensive comment, as you concentrate on the man heading in your direction.

"Greetings Lord Phantomhive'' the dark-haired man started, still keeping his eyes on you.

''Greetings to you too, Lord Whitewood'' Ciel kept himself from growling at the male who is shamelessly eyeing your body lustfully.

''I see that you are enjoying your evening with the young lady who I'm not introduced to'' Lord Whitwood exclaims with a twisted grin on his face.

''That is lady (Y/n), a distant cousin of mine on my mother's side, she is spending a few weeks with me until her parents return back from their business trip over the seas'' Lord Whitewood raises an eyebrow when your 'fake' cousin says nothing further.

''Aren't going to introduce me to her...tell her who am I?'' Ciel smirks slightly, his eyes narrowing at the man with much disdain.

''I see there is no such need for that'' his witty and quick response caused the lord to get angry and feel humiliated.

''How dare you speak to me in such a way, you little brat, I will show you-''

Lord Whitewood stops in the middle of his sentence when he notices the judging eyes of the audience who are ready to speak badly about him if continues with his rudeness with the young lord.

You watch the man leave instantly with a mad expression on his face, looking like he is ready to murder someone.

''Well, that was a currently interesting night'' you utter out sarcastically, following behind Ciel and Sebastian to the exit.


"I hope you have a good night's sleep, Lady (Y/n)" Ciel walks you to your room.

Once you reach your room, you stop right in front of Ciel, before turning around to face him, you lean down and please a kiss on his right cheek.

"Thank you for taking me out tonight, goodnight, Lord Phantomhive" 

With those words being said, you enter your room and close the door behind you.

Ciel touches the cheek you kissed, an astonished expression appears on his face from how soft your lips were against his cheek, and how it gave him butterflies in his stomach.

Indeed he needs to protect you, not only that but also make you his fiancee and future wife.

However, he needs to get rid of someone.


L stares at his strawberry cake blankly, deep in thoughts about a certain (h/c) haired girl.

"Are you sure there are no traces of the girl?" L asks Mogi, his voice devoid of any emotions.

"Yes, when we arrested Yagami-san's son, the girl wasn't with him" Mogi explains.

It is true that when Light Yagami got arrested and put under high supervision, you weren't with him or  anywhere to be found to be more clear 

That arouses L suspicious of you, and then there is the model Misa Amen, who is also is considered a second Kira, she also is put under high supervision.

As much as L hates to admit it, but he wished to put you under surveillance to observe you more and more without anyone interrupting.

Superingingly the thought of watching you excites him, just watching you strained up and sacred arouses the feeling of needing to be the only one who has his eyes on you.

Yes, the thought of locking you up seems very entertaining to him, the greatest detective in the whole world.


"Is there something you need of me to do, young master?" Sebastian inquires, after walking into his master's office.

"Yes, there is something very important I need you to do for me, Sebastian" he replies, his serious dark blue meeting Sebastian's vicious red ones.

"Who do you wish for me to get rid of for you, my lord?" 

Ciel smirks, loving the fact that Sebastian caught on to what he was going to say.

"I want you to get rid of lord Whitewood, he is a nuisance to have around" 

Sebastian raises an eyebrow at the boy, his lips rise, forming an amused smile. 

"Is it because he flirted with Lady (Y/n), young master?" 

"No, absolutely not!" He exclaims.

Of course, it is for that reason, but Ciel can't tell that to Sebastian or the Butler might think that his master has gone soft for you.

"Consider the man was gone, my lord" Sebastian bows his head, before heading towards the door to leave.


The butler obeys and stops in his tracks.

"I want you to make his death painful, do you hear me, Sebastian? I want him to beg you to kill him" the said demon chuckles darkly, his eyes turning pink.

"As you wish, young master"

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