1: The Tradition

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Today seemed to have me already drained as I woke up listening to birds chirp outside as the breeze creeped in over me through my window while I sat up. My head started spinning because all of last nights celebration of school and new Hufflepuff house members.

I laid back down on my bed putting a pillow on my head before a slight knock occurred on the door, I heard but ignored knowing exactly who it is coming to my dorm this early.

"I'm tired of knocking. I'm coming in now you whore! so if you got shagged and he is still in -"
"RO JUST COME IN GEEZ" I said cutting her off before she even thinks about finishing her sentence. Once she came in, I took the pillow that was on top of my head and threw it at her. "Well good morning to you too. Get your arse up sleeping beauty we got breakfast and the first day of classes" my sweet bestfriend Rosetta said. "Charming" i replied.

Rosetta Blue is my bestfriend, has been since our first year. We met eachother on the train and became really close, we easily bonded and went crazy over the fact that we share the same birthday. During the Sorting Ceremony, she got sorted in Ravenclaw before I went up. We were hoping we'd be in the same house but I got sorted into hufflepuff, which was no big deal. That obviously still didn't stop both of us from being besties. Ro is actually muggle born, lives in the muggle world as well but occasionally I would visit her as she did with me too during the summer.

"Merlin..what time is it? Uh my head is pounding" I said while sitting up.
"It's only 7am, here drink this. Sober you up." she said while tossing me a mini vile filled with liquid.
"Always know what to do. Thanks Ro I love ya!" I said while the liquid slid down my throat.
I felt better in seconds and got up my bed to the Loo to prep myself up, glad I didn't have to share a room. Not too many Hufflepuffs, let alone any girl members.

"Okay Em it's been nearly forty minutes! Are you even-" once again Ro was cut off, but because she noticed how much I changed over summer. Thanks to quidditch and volleyball. "Em you look dashing darling" Ro said while I was spinning in circles giving her a full view also giving her a thank you.

We had head out after I got dressed and head to the common room. "Morning Snow, Blue." A tall, handsome, brown haired boy with a deep yet raspy tone spoke. It was Grey Diggory, Cedric Diggory's cousin. Merlin that family was just gorgeous.
"Morning Diggory, Where's ced?" I asked him.
"He's head out early to breakfast, Shall we?" Grey replied.

I couldn't help but notice how awfully Quiet my loud bestfriend was, knowing how she has a mouth. I turned to look at her and she turned to look towards me too, she mouthed the words "I'd still let him shag". I gave her a slight flick on shoulder telling her to hush but we both giggled.

As we were walking to the great hall, Grey was in front of us as if he was leading the way while we walked behind him and talked.

"So, I can't wait to see our choices for breakfast" Ro said winking at me.
"Um..yeah me too I guess. Well I'm craving bacon." I replied to her, not catching her drift.

"You're daft" she said while I still gave her a confused look. "Oh my...I'm talking about our tradition!" She yelled, making it that everyone near us could probably hear.

"What are you two going on about?" Grey asked while facing us, walking backwards.

"We have This tradition where each year during our first breakfast, one of us gets to pick a lucky mate to do what the given dare is." I explained to him.

"Well said! And last year.. this priss dared me to sit on Draco Malfoys lap for 10 seconds and I absolutely hate the git!"
"Well that isn't too bad-" Grey said.

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