4: De-tension

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**This Chapter Contains Mature Content**

     As I was making my way back to Potions for detention, I could smell a horrible odor. As I began walking to the class, the smell got stronger.

I walked in and only Snape was there.
"Early aren't we Ms. Snow." He said in a low tone.
"Just decided to come in early so I can get to dinner early as well professor." I replied with a positive attitude.
"Wise decision" he responded while erasing the markings on the board.

I looked around to see a few dirty cauldrons and a chunky light green liquid spilled on the ground. Making it obvious that Fred and I would have to clean it up as punishment. Professor Snape had told me to just sit as we wait for Fred.

A few moments later but still early, Fred walked in making the same disgusted reaction I had when I walked in smelling the class.

"Bloody hell, what is that awful stench?" Fred asked while taking a seat across from me.

"That is your punishment. One of you will scrub those 5 cauldrons while the other scrubs the failed Polyjuice Potion on the ground from the 3rd years." Snape stated. He also mentioned that he'd be back to check on us within an hour and a half. Me and Fred nodded our heads and gave him a conformation look that meant we understood. Snape had then took off and now it was just me and Fred, alone.

Without speaking to Fred, I went for the cauldrons since they were an easier task. I brought them to the sink across the room and started scrubbing them. It's been five minutes and Fred was sitting in the same place since before.

I tried to let it seem like he didn't bother me but he was. He was just sitting there being lazy, I had to say something.

"Well that Green shit on the ground isn't gonna clean itself now, is it?" I told and looked at him while stopping the water and washing my hands as I began to lean on the counter.

"If you weren't being such a brat, we would've never been here in the first place." He said while walking up to the opposite side of the class and grabbing a sponge and the bin.

"Me? I'm the one who got us into this? Oh bite me Weasley. You started it by not shutting the fuck up." I said while standing up properly taking a step forward.

"Quit bitching and clean those cauldrons. The faster it's done the faster we leave." He replied while standing up from scrubbing.

I took one more step forward and looked right at him but still a few feet away while he was washing his hands. "Bitching!? Oh you're - ..no ..you know what— I don't care. You're right. The faster we're done. The faster I don't have to see your — uh..stupid face anymore". I turned around and started walking back to the sink.

"Real mature. Keep being a Bitch." He said, this time taking a few steps toward my turned back. Before I got to touch anything else, I turned around to face him and walked right up to him making it to be about two feet away from eachother.

"Call me a bitch again and you're gonna see what the fuck happens you Git". I spat back at him. Without any hesitation, Fred looked up and down at me and spoke.
"Bitch" he said, but this time now we're Mere inches away from eachother.

I was heated, he was heated. We hated each others guts. I wanted to kick his knee caps right there and right now.

I brought my hand up and slapped his face, making a loud noise as well and leaving a red mark. His head turned to the side as all my anger was pushed into that slap. Fred obviously didn't expect that. But it was a big mistake....

He then turned his face back to look at me and walked closer, this time..our bodies were almost touching by an inch. His jaw was clenching like it always does when he's pissed. To my surprise, I didn't expect what he was gonna do next either.

When Opposites Attract: A Fred Weasley Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now