29: Misunderstanding

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The Weather started to act so odd. It was just sunny when I was in the garden and once I left the Quidditch Pitch, the sky then fell gray. I was furious at how childish Fred was starting to act over a stupid flower. A simple flower that showed kindness, not a given note that was from a slut.

"Hey! We missed you."
"Hey Em! Where were you?" 
Rosetta and Amelia had greeted and hugged me while I met them in the Ravenclaw stands.

I shared a few words and giggles to hide the fact that I was really irritated the whole time. During the beginning of the game, Fred caught me looking at him whenever he would fly passed the stands. We both had our eyebrows furrowed and acted as if we were both uninterested and didn't care for one another.

Lee was his usual comedic self on the intercom like always. It was about an hour into the game and it just consisted of goals going back and forth. Nothing unusual happened.

"Hey Em, we're going to Hogsmaede after the match. Join us" Ced said.
"Yes! We need to catch up" Rosetta had shared and Amelia nodded her head
I missed them terribly, I haven't got to spend much time with them ever since the night they had slept in my dorm. Maybe an old trip to Three broomstick would help sooth my nerves.

The match was still going on, it was both tied with 120 points. Harry was right next to Cho as they were searching hard for the snitch. We noticed that Enzo had the quaffle in his arms and was swiftly moving to the goal post. Within a few seconds, he had made it in now upping the points by 10.

Enzo had looked towards our group and cheered for a brief moment. We all shouted his name, even though it was a simple goal. We watched him as he cheered on his broom, but then out of nowhere a bludger had hit him on his side. He wasn't knocked too bad but he held his side fast while moving down to touch the grass.

I looked in the direction to where the bludger came from and looking into my eyes was Fred holding the bat in his hand. For a moment my heart sunk deep. Why? Why is he being so petty and weird about this situation.

Fred stayed still in the same spot while the game kept moving forward. The players were calling his name. In this exact moment, it felt like how we were in the room when I felt like it was just me and him alive. But this time it was different, this time I didn't want to be the only one left with him. Before I could move my contact, Lee had announced that Harry caught the snitch. Meaning that Gryffindor wins the quidditch cup.

Many students had got up, so did I. It was now raining. No words were shared between me and my mates. They knew Fred hit Enzo and for me to sit there and not say anything, I felt terrible.

We were now walking on the field, many students including myself were soaked. Rosetta and I went straight to Enzo who was sitting in the tent getting checked up by Madam Pompfrey.

"Enzo, are you alright?" Ro asked as we made our way in. He was laying there in pain and was hissing at the pain and spells that were treating him. He was still happy he scored a whole lot for the Team.

"Oh my god- Enzo....oh my god..." i put my hands together on my face when I seen the giant purple bruise growing on the left side of his rib cage. I had felt like everything was my fault. I was scared for Enzo, he was putting on a fake smile trying to hide the wincing at the spells and potions that Madam Pompfrey was treating him with.

"Em it's alright. It was an accident I'm sure he didn't mean to-"

I stormed out the tent, Enzo didn't know that Fred and I talked before the game. He didn't know that this was Fred's intentions. I was soaked from head to toes because of the rain while searching for Fred on the field.
I had seen the giant group of Gryffindors in the middle of the pitch and so I approached them as I heard all of them cheering. All I cared about was grabbing Fred and telling him off.

When Opposites Attract: A Fred Weasley Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now