13: Games

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Never have I ever. Great.

Looking at everyone that decided to play, I can already tell it was gonna be chaotic. Better than truth or dare I guess.

"For those who have never played it or don't know of it, I'll explain." Lee said

I began to look around to see who was all playing. It was a pretty big group actually.
All together playing was :
Lee, Rosetta, Grey, Cedric, Hermione, Tom, Adrian, Fred, George, Jeremih, Ron, Harry, Blaise, Romilda, Angelina, Pansy, and Me.

"Basically, someone will say 'Never have I ever....' then add a task or something to it. If you've done that task before, you take a sip of your drink. If you haven't, then you don't take a sip. It's simple really."
Lee continued.

Most of us knew had to play but we all nodded our heads yes.
"Okay well we'll take turns, I'll go first then we'll just go in a circle I guess. And don't be a wuss about the question. Add spice you Kiddos" Lee said.

Once everyone was ready, Lee started.
"Never Have I Ever....lost my virginity"

But before any of us took a sip-
Blaise said, "Really Lee, I thought you just said don't be a wuss about the questions"
Personally I thought it was a good way to start but Lee agreed with Blaise.

"Fine umm, Never Have I Ever...lost my virginity to someone in this group."

What a damn good question. All eyes of the group scanned each other, this made it really silent.

But - I took a sip. So did Jeremih, Romilda, and Adrian.
Fred looked at me with a death stare. Obviously he didn't take my virginity, but he didn't know who.
It was Jeremih. We lost it to each other during one summer. Romilda lost hers to Tom I know that. But Adrian surprised me.

"Pucey? Whaaaat? I'm not asking who. I'm just shocked" I said to him.
"Well Em, I could say the same for you darling". I seen Blaise hide his face but I couldn't have an understanding why, maybe him and Adrian are closer than I thought.

"Okay I'm next so, Never have I ever...done it in a classroom" Pansy had said.

Ahhh the memories of me being RAILED in detention came flying back. Me and Fred looked at eachother while taking a sip. Fred did his dirty smirk while I rolled my eyes. Ro, Grey, Angelina, George, and Blaise took a sip as well. Something was oddly strange since I don't remember my best mate Ro telling me anything. Definitely going to be questioned later.

"UGHH. Remind me to never set my hands on the desk again." Ron scoffed in disgust
"Yes PLEASE I'm never touching a table anymore" Harry added.

After that start, it went from to Harry to Ron to Angelina to George. I was finding out more and more each time a sip was taken. George asked, "Never have I Ever... been the chosen one" and we all looked at him but then he said "I noticed Harry hasn't took a sip yet so that's why I said it". We all chuckled and it was funny.

The game continued and it was Cedrics turn.
"Never have I ever ..slept with someone who was in a relationship or while in a relationship"

Cedric didn't know, in fact most of them didn't know. After Cedric asked that question, my stomach tightened.

Tom and Romilda were the only ones that took a sip. I looked down while they did, and my smile began to fade away. I was dozing off and staring at the ground.

"Hey snow, it's your turn". Pansy said while bringing me back to the game.
"Right, sorry." I said while looking straight up. While the first thing that caught my eye was Jeremih and what I said next just spilled out of my mouth.

When Opposites Attract: A Fred Weasley Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now