Chapter fourteen

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When you get home, your dad launches a glass bottle at you. You do manage to dodge. Your dad charges at you. He ends up beating you and leaving you on the floor in a ball.

"You will never have control. Understood?"

You nod. He leaves. When you hear nis car drive away, you call Perrie. You tell her what happened. She comes over straight away.

"We're going to the police. I'll call them now."

"Pez please dont."

"No Y/n. He cannot keep doing this to you. Just sit on the sofa. I'll clean your face in a few minutes."

You nod. Perrie calls the police and they send a few officers over.

"And how long, exactly, has this been going on for?" The female officer asks.

"A while. It was on and off for a bit but he stopped. Then he continued again. That's what Y/n told me."


You're sat with your knees tucked into your chest. Why? Cos you're scared what will happen if he comes home and sees the cops.

Perrie has never ever seen you this... vulnerable looking before. It breaks her heart.

"Maybe we should go to the police station. She doesn't seem comfortable answering questions here."

The door opens.

"Why are the police here?" Your dad asks.

Fear covers you like a thick layer of snow.

"Y/d/n Y/l/n you are under arrest for the abuse of Y/n Y/l/n."

Your eyes widen.


"Y/n dont say anything." Perrie says.

"I didn't do anything!"

The male officer takes him to their car while the female officer walks over to you.

"Y-you shouldn't have done that! If he gets released he'll murder me!"

"Child abuse is serious. By the time he gets out, you'll have moved out hopefully. C'mon. Lets go to the police station and we can talk about it there. You seem uncomfortable here."

"Yeah. Lets go." Perrie says, answering for you.

After a while of discussing things, the officers put you in a room with your dad. In there are hidden cameras neither of you are aware of.

"You really did make a massive mistake doing this you pathetic waste of space. When i get out, and i will get out, I'll kill you. You're dead. You do realise that dont you? Your mum will testify in my favour because she knows that 'sweet caring dad Y/d/n wouldn't do anything like that'. Besides, you have no proof."

"I have proof Y/d/n. I have so much proof. The bruises on me that YOU gave me. Do you have any idea how much you scare me? I love you dad. I have a problem. You're my dad! You shouldn't do this shit to me! It hurts more than i let on." You say.

You stand up. He grabs your wrist.

"Please dont let me get arrested babygirl. I love you too and i am so so sorry that i hurt you the way i did. It was horrible of me and i hate myself for it. I know i shouldn't have done it to you. I know that. You mean the world to me."

"How can i trust that?"

"Because.... I-I'll prove it. If you drop this i will be the best dad ever. Just please dont make me go there."

You shake your head.

"Shame i dont believe you."

He stands up and slams you into a wall.

"You have no right to be alive."

He takes you into a sleeper hold and falls backwards onto the floor.

(The sleeper hold is basically his arms around your neck stopping your from breathing in the middle of the floor)

"I should've done this long ago Y/n."

His arm tightens around your neck. You try gasping for air but you cant. The door burts open and two guys pull you from his grasp and you take in a big breath of air.


Perrie. She runs into the room and hugs you. You hug back and cry onto her shoulder. You've never ever been this vulnerable before so it is a big surprise to her. You like to be the 'big and strong' person.

"It's okay. Dont worry. They took him to a cell. You dont have to see him for a while now."

After a while, you're both layed cuddled in her bed.

"Y/n, baby, i am so so sorry that you had to go through that today." Perrie says.

"It's okay. I'm happy you were there for me. I'm sorry you had to see me like that."

"Dont apologise for something you couldn't control. That was on your dad. Not you." Perrie says.

You nod. She cuddles further into your side and you both share a kiss.

"Does it.... hurt?"

"A little bit."

"Try not to talk. Try getting some sleep."

You nod. Soon after, you both fall asleep.

Sorry for the slow updates on this book. I'm tryin and i promise i will get more updates just please be patient and please dont leave.

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