Chapter three.

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After school, you're taking advantage of the schools gym. You're currently listening to your music while lifting weights.

Perrie walks past but walks back again upon seeing someone in there lifting the second heaviest weight there is. That someone is you. But she doesn't know that.

You put the weights down and sit up. You look out the window and see Perrie. You use some very strong deodorant and leave the gym.

"Sorry bout that. Just taking advantage of it while waiting for you. Let's get started."

Perrie nods and you both walk into the studio. You two spend hours in there. Not doing anything because she keeps getting distracted.

"Perrie, my god, we've been here nearly 2 hours. What's goin on?"


"Please focus. I have more than this on my plate right now."

She nods. You both finally get through today's practise and leave.

The next day, you're both back in your room. Practising. She's distracted. Again.

"What's got you distracted Perrie?"


"You're distracted. Talk to me."

"What makes you think that Y/n?"

"Well, for one, i can tell. In your eyes. Two, you're not spitting overly sarcastic comments at me. Three, you're not concentrating. Four, you've called me by my first name like 5 times already. Need i say more?"

"I've just got a lot going on right now."

"Talk to me then."

"What makes you think i wanna talk to you? Of all people you? Really? You're way more pathetic then i had thought. Get this through your thick skull, we're not friends. I dont like you. I'm only tolerating you for this project so i can get a pass. Once i have my pass, I'm gunna go back to hating you all over again. Simple. I'm going home."

She grabs her bag and leaves. You punch a wall, hard as well, and the wall cracks.

"Of course. I expected no less from her."

You sit on the roof and continue drawing the sketch you started earlier. You stay up till at least maybe 6am drawing and perfecting the picture. This is what you come out with.

Your planning on slipping it into her locker but then again, you might keep it

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Your planning on slipping it into her locker but then again, you might keep it. When you get to school, you sit at your locker and add some final touches before deciding to slip it into her locker with a note in the back of it.

Here, just a friendly gesture.
Hope you like it.

You then sit on the floor by your locker and watch as Perrie opens her locker. The drawing falls onto the floor and she picks it back up. You turn your music up and start drawing another picture. You have a very strong feeling she'll rip it up.

You look over at her and see her looking around. She shrugs and goes to rip it. But stops herself. She just stares at it. She looks over at you and you look back at your book. She smirks and shakes her head.

She walks up to you.


She kicks you. You look at her.


"You draw this?"

She shows you the photo. You nod.

"What part of 'i dont like you' didn't you get?"

She rips the photo up and you close your eyes. She drops it on you and walks away. You celotape it back together and pass it back to Perrie. You sit back down and she looks at you.

"You just celotape it back together?"

You dont answer. She rolls her eyes and pulls off the tape before putting it in the bin. She walks away.

"Well... i guess that's what i get." You say.

After school, you go to the drama studio to practise alone when the door opens. Revealing Perrie.

"Oh great. I was planning on praticing on my own. Guess i didn't get that lucky."

"I was here first so dont even start anything."

Perrie rolls her eyes.

"Can i just ask, why'd you feel the need to rip that drawing up? I spend all night drawing that and you just rip it up. Why?"

"Because, quite simple, i dont like you. Stop trying."

"Fine then. I dont care anymore. I'm dont tryna impress you."

Perrie raises an eyebrow and watches as you leave. When you're gone, she bangs her head on the door repeatedly until she gets a headache.

"How dumb could you possibly be?" She asks herself.

How rude of her lmao. I'm guessing she really doesn't like Y/n. Tbh, i dont like me either so I'm not surpised she doesn't. Anyway. Byee :)

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