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~~~George's POV~~~

"What do we do then?!" 

"We don't kno-"

"We can't be stuck here forever!"

"We won't be."

Sitting in the corner of our so called 'meeting room' I watched as Techno and Dream fought to calm a panic struck Tommy and Tubbo. At the age of 16, they had their whole lives ahead of them, they had families and siblings and friends. 

They were scared. 

We all were. 

You could feel it. 

See it in our eyes. 

In the way we jumped at every little sound. In the bags under our eyes and the shaking we tried to hide.

"We're not going to die!" Techno yelled, and Tommy- along with everyone else- shut right up. When Techno started yelling, we knew it was serious. 

Techno looked up. 

"None of you are going to die. This is Minecraft, we all know that by now, and we've all beaten minecraft, played it, hell, we're probably some of the best players there are. I believe in each and every one of you. You are strong, powerful and amazing. I believe if we beat this game, we will escape it too. So that's what we'll do."

He looked around and smirked. 

"Unless you wanna stay here- I mean you can do that too but like I wanna get out of here, I got a channel to plug y'know? Maybe my disappearance will get me more subscrib-" 

He was cut of by yells of booing and chuckling, he smiled slightly. Tommy and Tubbo looked at each other and sat down again as Techno turned back to the map on the table that was courtesy of Vincent Zak and Darryl. The map was small, considering how large this world could be, but from what we know so far-

"Okay," Dream started "So we know that to the North there are mountains- the trio didn't get past them though due to well- The mountains. A river runs through the mountains and past us on our west side. Where the birch forest goes for however long it does."

He looked up, and saw us all nodding. 

"Right, so on our east is the..."

I zoned out, already knowing the layout of our map, and the plan. My eyes fell on Nick, who was sitting on the seat next to the window. He looked sullen, quite a contrast to the rest of the uptight people in the room. He wasn't calm, but not exactly tense either... just dull. 

I walked over to him and sat down next to him. He acknowledged me by moving over slightly to make room for me, but that was all. 

I waited for him to speak, but he didn't. It was minutes before I realised everyone else had left, leaving nobody but Nick and I in the room.

He had been silent like this since the other night when he had that nightmare. He refused to speak about it to either me or Clay, but it definitely had something to do with Karl. 

Clay told me to give Nick some space, knowing that's what he needed when this stuff happened. 

But I'd had enough. 

Weighing my words, I said-

"How you holding up?"

He looked at me this time, meeting my eyes, and he just shrugged. 

I sighed. 

Scooching over to him, I put my arm around him, although he was slightly taller than me, he was slouched, so he could lean his head on my shoulder. 

I whispered, "Nick..." 

He started talking. I could almost see the walls he'd built over the past few days crumbling down.

"You're lucky, y'know.." He said. 

"...How so?" 

"You're not in love. You don't have someone in the real world to be worried about. You can't have your heart broken..." He sang a line from a song I recognised, "The lonely moments just get lonelier the longer you're in love, than if you were alone."

My mind instantly went to Clay, but I shut down that thought. He's a friend. Only a friend. Nothing more.

"Nick... Nick is this about- Is this about Karl?"

He looked at me, slowly, and nodded, tears in his eyes. 

I held him tighter, and he cried into my shoulder. 

"W-we- He asked m-me out and we confessed to each other that we loved each o-other and th-then he asked me on a d-d-date the afternoon w-we disappeared... A-and I missed it and h-he probably h-h-hates me and I'm such a bad person and I miss him George... George I miss him!!"

He continued to sob harder in to my shoulder (Which was now soaked thanks to him.) I rubbed his back and murmured unrecognisable sounds of comfort. I'm quite glad them two figured things out between them- Everyone had shipped it for aaaages, they mess around with each other and annoy everybody else by being clingy and overprotective of each-other.

It took him a few minutes to calm down, but once he did, I said,

"Nick... I'll make sure you get out of here. All of us will get out of here. I swear it."

He looked at me, and I smiled, and his mouth tilted up slightly, not quite a grin, but it was improvement. 

But throughout that day, I kept wondering why he looked so sad as he smiled. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~~~Wilbur's POV~~~

I watched as Niki made bread, her apron dusted in flour. She swayed her hips to the disc that was playing- Tommy and Tubbo had found it in a dungeon, and were both extremely atattched to it, I think it was called Stal.

(Play it now on Youtube or something if you wanna) 

Her brown hair was tied up in a bun, a small smile on her face. 

I realised the smile was because she knew I was staring at her. 

I felt my face flush and looked away, she chuckled quietly and came over to me- standing in front of me, and even though I was sitting on a bar stool, she still had to look up to meet my eyes. 

"It's rude to stare, y'know." She said grinning. 

I just blushed some more. 

"Not my fault you're adorable."

She laughed and wrapped her hands around my shoulders, and I stood up. 

I tried to put on a charming grin and held out my hand,

"Dance with me, Niki?"

She laughed, and took my hand, I pulled her to my chest and put a hand around her waist as she placed one on my shoulder. 

We waltzed to the beat of the music amongst the burning furnaces, a smile on both of our faces.

"Niki, I swear, we will get out of here, and when we do, I want to move in with you."

She looked up at me, and blushed madly. 

"I-if that's o-okay with you.. of course." I stuttered. 

She smiled and nodded vigorously, I pulled her closer, she wrapped her other arm around my neck and I placed mine around her waist, we were locked in a tight embrace in the middle of the kitchen. 

And even though we were stuck in a game, even though we might now make it out alive, we were together, and we were smiling.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Sorry I was on holidays so i couldn't update but uh, Happy new year!! love you guys

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