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~~~Sapnap's POV~~~

I woke up to a text from Karl and smiled slightly- totally not because I have a crush on Karl or anything- rubbing at my eyes and looking to the clock next to my bed.

4:20 am... Why is he awake?

I opened up the text.

Hey Nick... I can't sleep ;-;
Sorry If I woke you tho, if i'm being annoying i'll go back to staring at my blank walls if you want. :')

Sappitus Nappitus:
Bro no your all good I can't sleep either 
What's up? 

. . .
I- I had a nightmare..
Y'know- I think I'll be okay tbh, don't worry about it- you can go back to sleep :)

I sighed, debating whether to let him go back to "sleep" or not. Knowing Karl, the fact that he's texting me, talking to me about these things instead of keeping it inside and bottling it up means that it must be pretty bad.

Sappitus Nappitus:
Hey no come back
DoN't YoU dArE Go AfK YoUnG mAn
Karly pooo~
My loveeee
I'll keep spamming

Omg whattt?
Also I'm older than you- so who the fuck you callin' a YoUnG mAn

Sappitus Nappitus:
Older but not wiser
Talk to me bro
It's okay i'm not gonna judge I promise

No... you'll definitely judge me..
Trust me.

Sappitus Nappitus:
Karly poo nu, never

Fine... Just read for a bit mk?
I'll tell you when I'm finished.
Then you can type.

Sappitus Nappitus:

Okay so... Basically. It was you and me, and we were just stuffing around at a.. beach maybe?
No... No it was a lake, yeah, lake.
We were swimming, and doing dumb shit, Clay and George were there too.
We had lunch and stuff, and there was this cliff next to the lake, and the lake was really deep, so we all decided to jump in off the cliff.
George and Clay jumped off together and came up and out, and then you and I were there, at the top of the cliff, debating who would jump in after that, laughing and stuff.
Then it changed... We were still at the lake on the cliff... but Clay and George were gone, and it was night... and everything seemed dead- the trees, the bushes, everything.
And you... You looked at me, and you said
"Are you afraid Karl? Are you afraid of me? Do you trust me Karl?"
And I nodded, and then you grabbed my hand, and jumped off the cliff with me.
And we- We hit the water, and you pulled me down down down... Until I couldn't breathe, and I was drowning, and you were just smiling, and you looked evil, and even though we were underwater you whispered-
"Trust is breakable... Just like you."
...And then I woke up.
That's all..

Sappitus Nappitus:
. . .Karl I would never do that to you.
You know that right?

Y-yeah I just... It felt real.

I sighed... Shit... I couldn't let him just be like this... I couldn't let the one person I love think these things.

Sappitus Nappitus:
Karl... I- I need to tell you something.


Sappitus Nappitus:I- I love you Karl, with everything I am and ever will be. 
I would never hurt you intentionally like that and I want you to be happy and you're probably not even into guys so it doesn't matter anyway I just hope you're happy no matter who you decide to be with..
Damn I've wanted to tell you that for a while.

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