Chapter 10

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Dende arrives on the lookout and smiles at his friends during their reunion. Mr. Popo comes from the back room holding something in his hands. "Dende. I gathered the dragon balls like you requested."

Dende smiles, "Thanks Mr. Popo. How about you take a vacation? Let's say a whole month off."

Mr Popo smile gingerly, "Oh my! Thank you Dende!"

Dende grabs Majin Buu's hand and leads him towards the crowd, "Come on. Let's get this over with."

As Dende walks up with Majin Buu, everyone with the exception of Goku, Vegeta and Hercule, glare at Majin Buu with the fighters powering up, thinking he's still a threat.

"Whoa whoa whoooooaaaaa!!! Easy guys." Goku says waving his hands in front of the crowd.

Vegeta speaks up, "Its okay brats. He's with us. He's our guest."

Shouyu standing protectively in front of Erasa asks, "Wait? Why didnt he look that way when we came to the planet of the kais?" Gohan and Mirai eased up after hearing that question.

"Come to think about it, he kinda looked like a kid." Mirai explains.

Gohan folds his arms in deep thought. "And I'm pretty sure I felt a faint ki signature......wait a minute.....THAT WAS HIS KI I FELT!!!!" He screams pointing at Buu.

Buu smiles at the crowd, "Hey guys. Buu want you to be Buu's friends. Babidi no let Buu have friends." Buu looks sadly at the ground.

Chichi walks up to him with her hands on her hips, "Listen Buu. There is only one way we will be friends with you." Bulma and 18 smirk evilly, as does Dende and Piccolo, having heard her thoughts.

Buu jumps up and down like a kid, "How? How Buu make you Buu's friends?"

Chichi whispers something in Buu's ear and he smiles ferociously before staring at Goku, Vegeta, Shouyu, Gohan and Mirai. He looks back at Chichi and says, "No problem."

Shouyu, Gohan and Mirai notice the sudden change in Buu and back up nervously. They back into Videl, Erasa and Lime who also have evil smirks on their faces.

"Oh shit." Gohan mutters.

"This cant be good." Mirai says to himself.

"!!!" Shouyu yells.

They glance at each other before powering up instantly and flying off at breathtaking speeds. Goku and Vegeta appear in front of them and tell them to grab on. They all grab Goku and he uses Instant Transmission to vanish.

"Darn it. They caught on." Bulma says snapping hears fingers in disappointment.

Krillin looks around nervously, "I'm scared to ask, but what did I miss?"

Chichi smiles seeing that Krillin is still here. She along with the rest of the women pull out identical frying pans of DOOM. Krillin looks over at Majin Buu and frowns, "How could you do this to us Buu? I thought we were friends." He says with anime tears.

The women tower over him as he sweatdrops, "Uh...mommy."

Far off at Master Roshi's house, the two saiyan adults and three saiyan teens flinch at the sounds of frying pans clanging as they sit around the table with cold drinks.

"That has REALLY got to hurt." Gohan says wincing.

Vegeta nods, "You can save the world on multiple occasions, fight off the strongest enemies and and train with the greatest masters but will still never compare to the power of those wretched frying pans."

Goku and the teens nods and raise there glasses in agreement.

After about thirty minutes of relaxing, they here their friends land outside. They all stand up immediately. "Oh shit." Gohan says.


Everyone looks at Goku. He smiles and shouts, "You'll have to catch us first." They grab Goku and he uses Instant Transmission again.

Krillin bursts through the door, with cartoon knots and bruises all over his body, to find an empty house. "They got away again!!" *CLANG gets hit again. "Oh we'll catch them one way or another." Chichi says.

"Why are you hunting us anyway?" Krillin asks in pain as he nurses a new knot.

Chichi wipes a speck of dust off her frying pan. "Remember when we told you guys not to get yourselves killed?"


Chichi stops at the doorway and looks over her shoulder, "Because he's on our side."

Krillin looks out the door at the 'Frying Pan Divas' and sighs. "I should have just stayed in the otherworld."

Back on the lookout

Dende gathers the dragon balls and summons shenron, "Hello again Dende. Porunga tells me you two had a little reunion."

Dende nods, "Yes we did. I hadnt seen him for years. It was great seeing him and the others again."

Shenron smiles, "Indeed. What is your wish?"

Dende states seriously, "I want everyone on earth, with the exception of my friends, to have their memories wiped clean of Majin Buu. I want Majin Buu to be able to live peacefully on earth."

Shenron's eyes glow, "Your wish has been granted Dende. See you guys in a year. I'll send my regards to the others."

"Thanks Shenron. Bye." Dende says as the dragon disappears. "Now, we can finally enjoy peace."

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