Chapter 7

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Vegeta stands there in mid air and opens his eyes to glare at Buu. His hair has traveled down his back and his eyebrows have departed his face. His muscles have tightened and his electric aura tears at the ground.

He looks over to Goku who gives him a nod and they both faze out.

Buu blinks and looks at his clone. The clone shrugs and is suddenly kick across the jaw and sent skipping across the plain like a rock on water.

Before the other Buu can respond, he too is struck viciously across the face but Goku doesnt allow him to skip across the plain as he appears under him and kicks him with both feet towards the air.

He charges up and screams, "Super Kaioken." The red aura of King Kai's taught techniques surrounds Goku giving him a temporary boost of energy, power and speed.

Goku uses this opportunity to rush Buu. He puts every ounce of energy he has into his hand. HAAAAAAAA!!!!!" he screams as he travels to the air at remarkable speed.

Meanwhile, the clone recovers and tries to get up only to be drop kicked right back into the ground. Vegeta appears beside the clone and grabs its headtail. He swings the clone around in circles gaining speed and momentum before sending it back into the air.

He fazes behind the clone and smiles as he flies directly beside it. "You should feel honored. You're the first to witness your inevitable fate at the hands of Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta." Vegeta teases.

The clone turns around and its face is right in Vegeta's palm.

An explosion from the distance catches his attention as Goku used his Dragon Fist to penetrate Kid Buu and destroying him.

Vegeta smiles, " That damn Kakarot. Doesnt know how to finish an opponent with style." He turns to the clone. "Deuces!!" he says before hitting the clone with a Big Bang Attack from point blank range.

Goku and Vegeta land side-by-side. "Hey Vegeta." Goku says.

"Hmm?" Vegeta answering without looking.

Goku looks up. "How long do you think its going to take Buu to realize that we know both of those were doppelgangers of him and that he's standing behind us?"

Vegeta shrugs. "Only one way to find out."

They both turn around and fire massive ki blasts at Kid Buu. He stretches his body to avoid to blasts and smiles.

The saiyans rush him and begin to swing and kick at the monster but cant seem to land a punch on him. Buu notices this and begans to toy with them.

He catches Vegeta's hands and block Goku's kicks with his feet. He spits in their eyes temporarily blinding them. In one graceful motion, he rotates the two parrying saiyans and has them facing each other.

Still in Buu's grasps the two saiyans began inflicting heavy damage on each other without noticing.

Buu then charges up and and blasts both saiyans in their chests causing them to plummet to the unforgiving ground.

"No!!!" Shouyu yells. Gohan and Mirai look at each other and nod.

The three teens circle each other and began to power up. Everyone around them are amazed at their level of power. Gohan goes Mystic, Shouyu goes Legendary and Mirai raises his hand calling forth his tapion blade before going pure breed super saiyan.

Piccolo gazes at the boys as he tries to hold back Videl. Yamcha holds Erasa and Tien holds Lime.

Piccolo says to them, "Be careful boys. Go straight to King Kai first." They all look at him and nod.

Shouyu uses Instant Transmission and teleports to King Kai. "I've been wondering what took you guys so long." King Kai says. "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU WHEN BUU WAS ABOUT TO COME HERE AND DESTROY US?!?" he yells.

They jump back in surprise. "We were...uh...dead?" Mirai says nervously.

"Hmph." King Kai pouts and points. "That's the direction you wanna go."

Shouyu nods. "Right. Thanks King Kai." Gohan and Mirai place their hands on Shouyu's shoulders as they disappear.

Goku and Vegeta stand up and get ready to land a counterattack. "Let's go Vegeta." Goku says. They fly towards Kid Buu but their auras suddenly disappear. "What the fu--" is all Vegeta can say before being knocked out with a kick to the back of the head. Goku rushes over and catches Vegeta but plummets to the ground with him.

Goku coughs up blood and looks over to an unconscious Vegeta. "This is bad. And with us being exhausted it will take a while before we can power up again."

Buu powers up what seems to be the finishing blow on Goku and Vegeta.

Goku closes his eyes as Buu throws the massive blast.

Supreme Kai, Old Kai, Dende and the namekians all watch in horror.

The blast stops midway and two beings are seen holding it. Another is seen charging towards the blast with what looks like a sword. He slices the ball in two and the other two being kick the halves towards space causing a pink explosion in the outer atmosphere.

The three being land in front of Goku, who has now opened his eyes.

"Hey Goku..." one says.

"...long time no see..." says the one sheathing his sword.

"" the last one says.

Buu looks down at Goku only to see three sets of scowling eyes staring back at him.

Gohan, Mirai and Shouyu have returned to the battlefield.

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