♥ Part 2 ♥

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Today is the day.

I got out of bed, took a shower and wore the laziest set of clothes I could find. Today I was going furniture hunting for my new office. I got out my room and went to the door, that's when I saw Lola coming towards me.

"Lola you have to stay at home while mommy looks for something ok."


"Be nice ok. love you." I got out and went to my car making my way to the finest furniture store in the city. As I pulled up at the location I got a call from my...boss. I answered the call immediately thinking that it was an emergency, he doesn't normally call.

"Hello sir, is everything ok?"

"Don't be silly, we are on first name basis now."

"Ok sir but is something wrong??" I looked at the different furniture stores, walking slow along the side of the street.

"No, I just want to confirm the colours of the furniture you would like. Soft leafy-green carpet but a glass desk to keep it professional, right?"

He was helping me fix my office?

"Yes sir, thank you"

"I will help you out anytime you need me while. By the way Johnathon said 'hi'."

I miss him so much, I haven't seen him in a year.

"Tell him that I miss him, we should meet again."

"Most definitely...I must go now, Jonathan just caught a crab. I'M COMING!" He hung up the phone and I laughed at the situation.

I hope I'll have a family like that one day but for now I rolled my eyes at the fact that I wasted gas to drive all the way here but came quickly to the realization that the jail centre was 20 minutes away. I mean I have plenty of time on my hands now that I won't be staring at a desktop for the next few hours.

I got to the jail center and walked in, not caring about the people eyeing my choice of clothing. I proceeded to the security staff that stood at the entrance of the building. They looked at me sternly before I showed them my badge. They moved out the way and led me to the back. I looked at all the description boards of each jail cell, revealing what each person had done.

When I spotted my fathers name on a dark cell, I stopped. The guards turned their backs to me as I sat on the small stool they provided. As I tried to take a glance at the inmates face seated in front of me, I felt like I had seen him before. I struggled to extinguish the small fire that burned within me as i tried to recall where i had seen him.

"Are you one of the others that are going to ask me questions? Darn, they got rid of the old guy already? I guess I'm good at keeping things in and don't you dare think that you can taze me like the guy before you." He finally spoke after looking over my features.

"I am just going to ask you about my dad...that you murdered." I make it clear to him.

Keep calm Ava, you can do this. Rule #1- don't show any emotion even if they are related to you, you'll look weak to others.

The guy that killed my father then spoke "Your dad-.....you're his daughter?? I'm amazed that you're still living."

What is that suppose to mean?

"I just wanted to know why you did it. My dad was a sweet man." He raised his eyebrows and leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees.

"You really think so??" He asked before an evil lopsided grin spread across his lips.

Heck yeah, he was THE best darn dad. "Just tell me why you did this," I said calmly.

It took him a while to answer. "Your dad and I....." He sighed. "......we were best of friends actually. We were basically brothers from different families, and he was really good at everything he did. We grew up together and eventually we were both pushed into a 'program'. He was great at everything; me, not so much. He would win his share of matches and I would too but at the end of the day we were the only ones standing with a great empire, we had to plan against each other."

He looked up at me to see any reaction but when he saw none he continued, "I snuck into his planning room and stole things that were great plans against us and in the end we won the battle. Me, killing your father and him in his grave. I don't regret it at all, all I regret is that I didn't go overboard with the new power I had."

"So you were jealous of my dad, so you did all of this." I scoffed. "And look where it brought you. I hope you stay in here for as long as you live." The truth was now manifesting itself through my facial expressions and tone of voice, reflecting my emotional state. Keep it together Ava.

He peaked his eyebrows at me. "I don't think so. I have trusting people on the other side of the cell." He glances at the guards.

I got up and walked away but heard him say....."And kid.....it's good to see a reflection of my accomplishments." He chuckled. "I didn't get you back then but I'll get you now. Say 'hi' to your mother."

Was he threatening to kill us too?


Is it too wordy? If anyone sees this please tell me and thank you for reading till the end.😅😬

Love you ❤️❤️❤️

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