♥ Part 6 ♥

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The warehouse was dark and gave off the aroma of death. The chemicals emitted, caused my eyes to water and made it hard to breath. We made it to the back door knocking out the 2 guards that blocked the entrance but I'm pretty sure the guy Ezra dealt with was dead- taking out his anger on the exchange of words we had earlier.

He broke down the back door and we were faced with a group of guys charging at us. I pulled out my gun out my waist band and started shooting and aiming at the knees of the men. It wasnt really permitted to kill because it was seen as unnecessary to our agency and I agree, I didn't like the thought of killing people, Ezra on the other hand was on a spree.

I shook my head. What else was I to expect? He was and still is a murderer. He probably gets a trill or a rush of adrenaline from it.

My gun soon ran out of amio so I used the next best thing; my spike heels. I did double damage by forcefully stepping on their shin. When they fell due to the pain, I took the chance to knee them in the chin; knocking them out. In the process I could hear a few bones being broken but they deserved it.

Turning around to see Ezra's progress I was lifted off my feet. Not in a romantic way, sadly. A huge muscled guy held me over his shoulder and began to walk to the far end of the room with a seat and straps. My eyes widened slightly. How did I not see him? was he waiting in the shadows before she striked?

"I suggest that you put her down." Ezra's growl echoed in the semi empty wearhouse. The guy holding me was way muscular than Ezra but was shorter than him, maybe by 4 inches.

'Don't worry. I got this', I mouthed to him. He hesitantly nodded his head and leaned on the wall as he watched me in the shadows. Is he hiding? I doubt it, he has a plan.

"Hey big guy," I whispered in his ear.

"Hey, love, Do you want to ditch your guy friend and agency for me?"

Bold personality, but I hate it. Not even an ounce of sweetness could be heard in his voice.

"Sure. You could put me down and I'll give all my weapons to my guy friend then we can go."

Frightened by my answer, Ezra shouted "What the hell are you doing??" He steps out the shadows with a more focused and stern face as he burns holes in the back of the guy's head. He takes a step forward but I raise my hand up to stop him and fan him back. But of course he doesn't listen.

"I would but I'm not dumb and I like the view." I guess the big guy has a brain. He rubbed my round behind as he walked further in the darkness of the building. I looked at Ezra and saw his hooded eyes still on the guy. oh god. I need to do something before he does.

"Could you look at my cute face for a while, I couldn't get to see yours since you took me up so suddenly." I cringed.

He slowly lifted me down and I slowly went searching his face and leaning in, he leaned in too and I blew the power from my bracelet to his face. He released me and took a few steps back falling in the process. Perfect. I never leave the house without this thing. It's a life saver.

Ezra came up to me and we made our way up the stairs located in the other corner of the wearhouse. A few guys came down the stairs and we were back again battling.

"Ezra there is a-" He lifted his forearm with great force knocking out the guy that quietly approached Him from behind.

Walking to the door that supposedly Mr. Aang was in, I pulled out a grenade and took off the tap, throwing it at the door. For a second I didn't move but the next second I was hurled up in Ezra's arms with his back facing the door protecting me from harm.

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