♥ Part 4 ♥

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I pulled up on my driveway and entered my apartment feeling great that work ended on the earlier side today- which is very rare. I marched to the kitchen then opened the cupboard to see a can of tuna and a still fly. I needed to go grocery shopping but before I could feed Lola her canned tuna and make it out the door; I got a call from Christopher.......

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi....ammm, Mr. Peters sent me an email stating that we should be in China by 4am tomorrow."

This change of schedule was no surprise to me.

"I'll send you the hidden email. I will be at your apartment in a few."

I needed to pack my duffle bag with my weapons, classic bodysuit, darts and other materials. I rushed up the stairs looking for my suitcase, harshly stuffing some spare clothes in, with the gun I normally kept under my pillow, my bombs, knives etc.

Shortly after packing, I heard the honk on the van. I went down the stairs with the heavy suitcase then took Lola in my arms and walked out to the van. Christopher hopped out assisting me with the load. All the members were waiting in the van, seated in the back when I took my place in the passenger seat. We exchanged greetings but refused to acknowledge that he reached his arm out to touch me but quickly reclined.

"Hey Christopher could you stop at Cassandra's house, I need to drop off my baby there," I said stroking Lola as the van was powered on.

"You have a baby!"

I rolled my eyes. Be polite Ava

"Yes, I do." I showed him the cat and his face softened while everyone awwww'ed. When we got to the location, I rang the bell.

"Yeah I'm comi- oh Hi Ava" She looked at me with a bright smile.

"Hey, could you keep Lola for me until I get back." I shoved Lola in her hands.

"Sure. I see you only visit me when you want me to keep Lola"

I laughed at her sarcasm. We both know I visit her in my free time.

"Sorry I'm just caught up with work I promise to catch you up on evey-"

"I was kidding, I understand. Just make sure you bring back something for me"

"You know I will. Thanks again."

"Go go go go." She 'shoo'ed me and I laughed, shaking my head.

As i walked back to the van, i pulled out my phone to check on the email that Mr. Peters sent Christopher, I opened it but felt that the air in the van was tense, no one was talking. I mean everyone is just meeting each other, well not everyone but..whatever.

"So how is everyone doing, how do you guys feel about your first official assignment?" I said to cut the thick air. I heard when he said that his assignment was "to get me back" but I ignored it. The other members bickered that they were excited to move up a step from just training to actually doing assignments and the 'real thing'.

"Well I'm glad that you guys all feel that way. We'll be going to China tonight. I'll disclose more information to you later." I turned to them in the back and I avoided his needy eyes that cried for my attention. I thought I made it clear that the past will stay in the past.

I turned to the opened file on my screen. Our target is a 64 year old man named 'Mr. Aang', he deadly experiments on people in China but now he has decided to start the experiments on kids. Attached to the file was an image of the first child in line for the process.

"We're here, let's go," Christopher said.

I stepped out the van and placed my phone in my back pocket. I told everyone there group members and sadly I had to be grouped with him simply because he was the most skilled of all the member and my assignment requires backup.

Liam, Delia and Audwin were one team and Sumni, Matt and Kai were another team. Ezra, Christopher and I went to our jet while the others went to theirs but before we each got in, a guy came up to me and gave me a note with a bear.

'I hope you enjoy your flight with me'

I looked up and before I could say anything the guy was already walking off. I looked at him angrily. Why was he doing this?? I then looked at Christopher to ensure he didnt see my glare at Ezra before I got in the jet.

I took the seat opposite of the boys and as we took off I went back to look over the email ensuring that i have enough details to share with the members on what they'll be assigned to do and the location of Mr. Aang's warehouse. While looking over the file, I heard when he told Christopher to stop making 'googly' eyes at me but I ignored their little chat and eventually fell asleep.

Not too long after I heard noises of someone being punched.

My eyes shot open and saw him on top of Christopher punching him for dare life. I unbuckled myself and rushed over to them, trying to take the psycho off of Christopher but he wouldn't budge so I swung my foot with force in his lower back and held his wrist as I pulled Christopher up off the jet floor.

He spoke. "I don't like him making googly eyes at you, love."

I'll just ignore that and move on, I can't let Christopher find out that we had a past. There would be some crazy drama going around.

"Apologize to him" I said, still holding on to his wrist.

"I don't think I have to" he said boldly.

"Just do it,"

He shook his head, "Nope."

Ok I've had enough of him.

I walked over to the jet door and opened it then looked at him. "Ezra West apologize, now." He moved closer to me and the corner of his lips turned up.

Crap, I missed his smile. It reminds me of the short-lived good times we had.

"No way baby" his smile turned to a smirk.

"I'll push you out the jet if you don't, " I threatened.

"You wouldn't, you need me for this assignment"

I rolled my eyes and digged my nails in his wrists. His expression didn't change. "Correction, you need me." I pushed him out the jet and closed the door, not giving two farts about his life, he didn't care about mine. 7 years ago.

I closed the jet door and looked at Christopher to see the bruises on his face that Ezra gave him. ''Sit, I'll clean you up."

He shook his head walking back to his seat "I don't think that's necessary, I'll do fine."

"I insist." I went for the cleaning kit and sat beside him and as I cleaned his face. 

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