♥ Part 11 ♥

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The morning of the flight I forced myself to take a look in the gift bag Ezra decided to 'surprise' me with. Turns out it was a teddy bear with a little note saying 'I hope you're having a good night.' I smiled then realized what I was doing before I stopped.

I then took the bear and added it to my stuffed animal collection. You might be wondering why I took the bear from The Ezra West and added it to a collection that I dearly loved and cared for. I hate him; yes but, no matter how much I tell myself that he didn't matter to me and I should forget about him, I was still attached to him. I hated that.

I keep asking myself after everything happened -why? Why did we have to meet? Why did this have to happen to me? And to keep myself from going back to that night, I only thought of the good times we had with each other but now I've cursed myself. There was no way that i could erase him from my thoughts.

My phone vibrated, pulling me out my thoughts. It was Cassandra. "Aren't you going to bring in Lola today?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute"

I picked Lola up along with her bags as I walked to my car to drop her at Cassandra's house. Afterwards, I drove to the private airport, meeting the others there. I greeted them individually; yes, him too, then stood beside Christopher. He took my hand in his.

I started "As you guys may know...we are going to Egypt together. We are going to be sticking together throughout this assignment until I tell you otherwise. There is not much to do but we don't really know what they have in store for us."

I led the way to the plane while the others followed. I was about to take my seat beside Christopher but was pulled to the back of the plane. I looked back making sure no one saw us, I already knew who it was and I wasn't going to make a fuss about it. He pulled us to the tiny bathroom and locked the door. "Ezra, what is your problem? They are going to know that WE are missing any second now. What do you want?" I pushed him back to make space in between us.

"Don't be so fussy, I just wanted to talk to you." He smiled .

"Make it quick."

He stared down at my cold eyes before he spoke "Are you two dating? You and the Christof guy?"

"His name is Christopher and that is none of your business." I jerked my hand out of his hold.

"Just wanted to know."

I hissed my teeth and opened the door but was pulled back. He, again, closed the door. I looked up at him to curse but didn't when I saw that we were inches away from each other. He ducked his head down to close the gap that should've been there. All I could do was stare up at him and I cursed my height at this moment, I stepped back and cleared my throat, looking down. "Yes, we started dating, what are you going to do about that?"

"Are you trying to make me jealous? because I am."

I laughed. "As if I have time to think about how you feel."

He raised his eyebrows "I know you thought of me when I was gone."

I turned around, opening the door for the last time and went to sit beside Christopher. How did he know t- "Where were you?" Christopher asked.

"I was checking my luggage." I turned my head away from him. I wasn't the best at lying.

"And where is Ezra?"

"He's in the bathroom," I said quickly. He nodded and held my hand placing it in my lap. I smiled and looked up at him.

"Christopher, did you have any problem decoding the file I sent." He looked at me. "No, everything is fine. I didn't have to do much to be honest. Do you need me to tell you what I found out?"


"Yes, why not." I needed to take my mind off what just happened. "So...," he started


When we got to Egypt we got in the nearest hotel and unpacked, making ourselves more comfortable until the moon would make an appearance which would be right about now. I pulled on my newest outfit which was a red skin-tight suit with attached heels and got my other weapons, with my equipment belt. I checked on the others making sure to give them a few more minutes to get ready. When I heard a knock at my door I knew it was time to head out. We walked with 'normal looking' clothes over our suits so we wouldn't look suspicious in public, got in the van that was parked on the other side of the street and drove off.

The location engraved in the chip, was a worn down building, looking like it was ready to collapse any minute. It looked like it was from the 1880's which means that there would be no security system and that it would be easy for us to get in seeing that the building is rusting. We checked the entrance but no one was present. I moved freely to the back of the building and kicked down the door, walking in. It was dark with the only light source being the ceiling with a small glass opening. "Can someone try to find the light switch?"

The lights flickered on showing old equipment that looked like it hasn't been used in years. We looked around trying to find any clue that would lead up to the 'master mind' of the tazering chips.

Moving deeper in the building it seemed as if there was nothing to see here. "Ava, come look over here," Matt called.

I walked over to the voice and looked to the direction he pointed to. I could see some men walking back and forth with boxes while others worked on what I'm guessing was the chips. I allowed the group to move swiftly and quietly in the room then I followed. They stood in the shadows hiding their weapons.

"Gentlemen." They stopped and looked at me.

"Who let you in here?"

"No one, with all the rusting bolts in the doors anyone could enter." I laughed to myself.

"And what brought you here dressed like that?" He moved to me slowly as he spoke. I could see that he was in his late 50's with a mustache, deep wrinkles and thick eyebrows.

"You don't like my outfit" I looked down at myself.

"Why, yes I do. Did the boss send you to us as a reward?"

What the hell. What does he mean by US and reward?

He held onto my hand and made me do a small spin as he looked at me up and down. He then placed his hands on my waist and pulled me to him. That's when my quick plan was short lived by an idiot and a person who couldn't control their temper. They growled...."Mine"

"You have other people with you? NOW GUYS!!!" The old man said. I closed my eyes as the guy pulled me up against his chest holding my waist tighter, almost digging his nails through my bodysuit. Lights illuminated the small room showing that there were more men in the corner of the room holding up guns at the group.

Way to go kids.

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