♥ Part 9 ♥

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 "Could I have your Full Name?"

"Dora Shiwartzniger"

I nodded and wrote it down. "So, I just want to ask a few questions to know more about what exactly happened."

"That's fine with me," she said as she shifted in her seat.

"Tell me where and when you were taken?"

"I was taken as soon as I left my job at 10p.m. I was pulled in a car when waiting for my husband in front of Neyo Club Near my Workplace on August 3rd"

Today is the last of the month, so this was recently.

"Can you give me any additional information? Where you were taken, what happened after they took you......anything?"

She nodded, "Most certainly. The guy that took me was medium built. He had a dragon tattoo on his upper left arm and had a teardrop tattoo under his left eye. I wasn't taken to a building but I was taken somewhere near Black River."

Interesting. There were many Black Rivers in the area. This is going to be a tough one.

"That is more than enough information that we'll need to find this guy. Thank you Ms. Shiwartzniger but, do you mind coming back tomorrow at the same time so we could do some more investigating."

"No problem, Sweetheart"

"Thank you so much. Take care."

She smiled, "I sure will."

She waved and left my office. Now it's just me and the million and one possible reasons why someone would kidnap someone and let them freely roam after they were done with them.

Next day

Today we are in our agency's private hospital and before you ask –Yes, I was early and dressed in the correct attire. We are currently waiting for Dora to turn up any minute now and soon enough she enters with a smile on her face. "I hope I'm not too late." Yes you are, by 15 minutes but who's counting?

"No, not at all. Have a seat."

She took the seat opposite of me and smiled sweetly. Though she's been through alot, that we havent found much about, she still smiles.

The doctor came in right after and greeted Dora and I. "Dora this is Dr. Sanchez, he will be taking a look at you today." She shook his hand.

"Ok, do you have anything you want to tell us before we start? Any allergies..."

"There is one thing but I can't say it aloud."

She looked a bit tense before I gave her a sheet of paper and pen. She quickly scribbled on the paper and gave me after. 'There is a chip in my right wrist planed by the person who took me to Black River'. I looked up at her and she looked at me pointing to her wrist. I showed this piece of information to the Doctor then he began to work after he drugged her.

After 30 minutes the short operation was over. Dr. Sanchez took the chip out her wrist, placed it into a zip lock bag then gave me so I could take a closer look at it. "Doc, great job on taking out the chip in one piece."

I moved out the hospital and quickly made my way to my office. I pulled out my tweezers and magnifying glass as I took my seat in my chair to further understand the reason for this chip. The big question is- Why does it have to be in a human being?

Upon observing the chip I found nothing. I mean it wasn't my specialty but what I did find out was that the person was dumb enough to leave the place it was made and by who engraved in the fragile metal. I could easily go to the location and get rid of the person but I really wanted to know what was the chip used for.

I really didnt want to admit it but there was only one person in this building that I knew could solve this mystery. I contemplated but made my way to Ezra's office. I didn't want to but his past would make analyzing and preparing for upcoming assignments easier.

Making my way down the stairs I bumped into Christopher. He took hold of my hand before he spoke. "Hey, do you want to go out. It's our lunch break anyways."

"Sure, why not. Lemme just give this to someone and get back to you."

Chris nodded and we both went opposite ways.

I knocked on Ezra's door and waited for the 'come in'. I made my way to the desk and looked down at him. He stood up and smirked. I really hate when he does that. "So you have finally came to your senses"

"Funny. I came to give you this." I held it out and he looked down at it. "I need you to take a look at it for me while I go on my break. I'll be back in a few."

He frowned and looked back at the chip. "You want me to work during break?"

I nodded "Have fun."

I looked at him one last time before I left his office and made my way to find Christopher. He was a few offices down from Ezra's. We got out the agency building and went to the parking lot where Christopher offered to drive us to a restaurant.

Ezra's POV

When she stepped out my office, I waited a few seconds before I followed after her. I stood by my office door seeing her make her way down the hall of the building with Christopher. I felt a string of emotions that I've not felt in years. She didn't want to be around me but him instead?

I mean it was my break too and she gave me more work just so she could hang out with the new 'kid'.

There was something about him that i didn't like. There is something off about him from the first day and I know 'cause i'm never wrong.

Ava's POV

After getting to know a little about each other over lunch I drove us back to the agency so we could get more work done. Christopher went to his office while I went to Ezra's to know if he came up with anything that was useful for our assignment. I mean, over lunch Christopher and I were taking about what the possibilities could be but still nothing came to mind.

"Ezra..." He looked up at me with a still face as I walked over to his desk. "I think the chip is f-" he stopped me from going any further.

"It's for tracking the person, tazing them if they ever speak of the 'mystery man' until they knock out."

Ok, he's good at this.

He pushed the bag to my chest and stepped out not saying another word. Do you see it when I say, at one minute he all happy and the other minute he can be a pain in the foot. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the attached private hospital to have a word with Dora.

"Dora, why didn't you tell me about the taser?"

"Well, I would be knocked out for a good hour and a half if my chip guardian heard me"

So, Ezra was right.

But what was this.... "Chip guardian?"

She looked down at her wrist and ran her fingers over the bandage. "Yes, everyone that has a chip, has a guardian that listens to them. If they ever speak a word of the 'mystery man' they get tazed."

Great, more information that was needed but how was she able to tell us about her being kidnapped without being tazed?

"Well Dora, thank you once again for helping to stop this 'mysterious man'. For this I want to reward you with a sum of money"

"Oh, no. I could never, I just wanted to help you guys so no one else would be in the same danger I was in."

"Well, if you insist. But could you do me a favor and not tell anyone about the place." She nodded.

"Ok. Doc could you please have someone escort Ms. Shiwartzniger out please."

After this was done, I got in my car and made my way to Cassandra's house.


This is honestly just a filler chapter. lol

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