♥ Part 7 ♥

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I woke up with a slight ache in my right ankle. I guess it was from me limping after Mr. Aang after I took my feather-like heel out. I looked on my left to see that Christopher was already up and was on his laptop.

"I was thinking of going out today to reward the others on their first assignment, what do you think?"

"I think that's a great idea. I'll be ready in 30 minutes." He refocused on the laptop

I nodded my head and looked to my right to see Ezra still asleep. I guess I wasn't the only tired one. I got out of bed and went to his side to wake him up but left for the bathroom before he could open his eyes. I need to avoid him at all costs. I don't know what will happen if we're ever alone, I don't need a repeat of yesterday.

I called the other members and told them to meet me at the mall that was 20 minutes away from us. As we drove, we discussed what we would do and decided that we would just take them to the beach for a few hours then we would all go board a private plane together.

Arriving at the mall, I saw the members talking and laughing. Christopher and I got out the car and walked up to the laughing group. As I scanned their faces, I realized that there were only 6 members. Where is Ezra?

"Hey guys." They turned around to see me then the next thing I know Christopher and I were in a group hug.

"Omg. We were literally wondering when you were getting here," Sommer screamed then they all pulled away from the hug.

"Well here I am." I smiled and continued "We brought you guys out here because you all did a great job yesterday. There were no hiccups, everything went smoothly and so I wanted to reward you guys, so you guys can relax before we go back home tonight."

They looked at me with smiles then frowned. Was the beach too simple of a reward?

"But we didn't pack swimsuits," Sommer said.

"Not to worry, I'm giving you my card." I fished for the card out my purse and gave Sommer.

"Thank you." She took the card.

"Get to the Yalong Bay by 2 pm." I looked to Christopher. "You go with them, I'll drive to the beach and wait for you guys."

He sharply nodded and I walked off to the car and soon my phone started to ring. I looked at the ID and saw Ezra's name flash on the screen. How did he get my number? I mean I have his number for agency reasons but how did he get my number? I answered It anyway. "What?"

"I need to meet with you"

"Ezra, don't play with me. Did you not list-"

"I know your lying about no-"

I hung up and looked at the phone as it rang again until it stopped. I guess the guy was hard-of-hearing when I told him how I felt but I guess he was stuck on the actions that took place in the warehouse- that I still regretted- and was dwelling on them.

I drove off once the stop light turned green, making my way to the beach. Once there I laid down in the chair waiting for the others to arrive.


I heard laughs and the sound of slashes which instantly woke me up. I didn't even notice I fell asleep.

I looked up to see the members playing around. I smiled at the site and picked up the file that was sent to me that I had yet to edit once I got home but was shocked when Christopher pulled the file out my hand.

"Why are you still in work attire at the beach?"

"I'm not the one being rewarded." I pulled down my sunglasses getting a better look at him.

"That doesn't mean that the boss didn't work hard too."

I chuckled shaking my head "I'm fine really, I'll just watch you guys have fun."

I really didn't want to get in there due to my fear of the ocean and also the fact that I can't swim. I haven't been in open water since..... i can't even remember, but I really just wanted to watch them have fun, that was partially the excuse along with my ankle hurting.

He looked at me with his eyebrows raised.

"C, I'm fi-" He took me in his arms and I started screaming. I'm pretty sure that I was getting a lot of stares but I didn't care right now. I just wanted to go back to the chair and not get my hair and clothes wet. Christopher placed my feet in the sand and I was going to make my way back when he started pushing me instead. Every time I tried to use my feet to stop us from reaching the water, the sand would just slide away only making it easier for us to get there.

I prayed silently as my heart slammed against my rib cage repetitively. Christophor had no idea of this fear so it was understandable that he thought I was joking with my over-the-top reaction. I held onto his arms tightly as we neared the water but I was saved by the only person of the group that knew of my phobia. Ezra.

"Get your hands off her!" Ezra jogged over to us, removed Chris' hand off me and took me in his arms. I was now pressed up against his rock hard abs that he had worked on over the years. Not gonna lie he looked great but that's not the point. We were too close for my liking. I tried to get out his arms but his grip on me only tightened. I'll let this slide only once. I didn't want to make another scene in front of the group.

Soon he walked back to the beach chair. He hald me in his arms for a few seconds more than I liked just staring down at me in arms. I ducked my head patiently waiting for when he would sit in the chair. When he did, i found the folder, reviewing the information and what was required of me.


After packing up. We boarded the private plane together and got back home at 2AM. They were lucky they had the chance to go home and sleep. I had to go to the agency and make a report on what happened on the assignment. I wrote everything except what happened between Ezra and I of course, I really wanted to get that out the back of my brain but as I looked down at my chest with hickeys, I could only be reminded of how his hands moved across my body and how he held me gently as his lips worked magic.

Ava stop it. You know better.

I ran my hands over my face and tried to finish up the document to send it Mr. Peters.

Lord, give me strength.

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