♥ Part 3 ♥

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I still couldn't believe that I got this position but on the other hand I can believe it. I mean I deserve it. I worked hard for this, I don't mean to brag but I was Mr. Peters' first choice.

Currently my mind is in a brain fog. I still couldn't forget what occurred yesterday. I think that man is insane. I know people act on jealousy but the way he did it was....ugh and he didn't even admit that it was because of jealousy.

I was taken out of my trail of deep thought when I heard a knock on My new office door.

I told the person to come in and before me stood a guy dressed neatly in a tan suit. He cleared his throat. He must think that I'm a – you know what I think too much. I greeted him "Sorry. I'm Ava and you are..." He stepped in further.

"Your assistant, Mr. Peters sent me."

A male assistant?

"Oh please don't be so formal. We are going to be close during all of this.....amm" I raised my brows searching my brain to see if he gave me his name but lost it. That murderer has been at the forefront of my mind since I left the centre. i needed to focus.

"Christopher," He quickly answered.

"Right. So we may address each other by our first name. I insist." It really made me feel old when people were formal with me.

"Ok. but I was told that some new members will be added to the company today. They are quietly waiting outside in the hallway. Should I send them in?" he asks.

Wow. So after the rest day I immediately have to work. I thought I would slack off a little.

"Yes, yes, bring them in. Thank you Christopher." I smiled at him. Christopher left then quickly came back with a group of 7 people. As I scanned everyone's face, my chest froze in place, restricting the air waiting to exhale. My pounding heart beat increased when my eyes linked with the last person in line. The guy that crushed me.

Well, I think it's him. Though, I'm not sure since the last time I saw him was 7 years ago. I almost had a mini panic attack but kept it together. They say you have 7 other people that look somewhat like you, maybe this is one of the seven his Identical.

Be real Ava. That is a one in a million chance you'll meet his lookalike.

I took a second glance at his 'look-a-like' and saw that he was already looking at me with a smirk and I then knew that it was definitely him. I rolled my eyes.

"Hello everyone. I am Ava Wells, your boss. Could you all step forward and place all your files on my desk." They all handed their files orderly and took a step back to their primary spot. I avoided all possible eye contact with the jerk and focused on the other 6 members.

"Thank you everyone. I will look through your files while you guys wait outside." They all nodded and left with Christopher leading the way. I hummed a tune to distract me from the chaos in my head as I looked through the files, leaving the jerk's file last.

Names: Sommer, Kai, Liam, Delia, Matt, Audwin and jerk-face

They all had 70% of the skills needed in this type of occupation, but we'll have to work on how fast they can do these skills and their reaction time at later date

I looked through the last file in the stack. Ez-Jerk West. I can't even say his full name, it scares me, it left a scar on my brain years ago that I had to go to therapy to scratch out every memory of him but of course that wasn't possible.

I took up his file looking through it.

For sure he can't get in this company?? With all the wrong he did. This company is about helping people. He was the complete opposite. He killed people for fun...and money, there is no way he c-

"How the hell did he get in!!" With all the things he did in high school, how in Jesus' name did he get in? The killing and the illegal actions, the weap-

The door busted open revealing the one and only. He smirked at me as we made eye contact for the second time today. I squinted my eyes at him in confusion.

I know Mr. Peters would ask why I didn't accept him in the company if I didn't. He hand-picked them then sent them to me himself. He's probably looking at the copy of their files right now thinking that he did a good job. I know I had to keep this jerk now.

I relaxed my shoulders but frowned looking down at his file. "But how, you literally kil-"

"I went to jail when I was 'missing' from school. I turned myself in. I cleared up my name and all the things I did. For you, I did this all so I could be with you,... see your face again."

I looked away. If he thinks he can say simple words put together to get me running back to him, he can just give up. Christopher popped in my office panting. "I tried to stop him but he was too fast."

I shook my head "It's ok you guys can leave now. Thank you."

They left me and I rested my head on the table. I really didn't want it to be him. I 100% wanted it to be an identical person to him with a different personality but that still wouldn't help all the panic attacks that I would have seeing the identical.

Now I know that it is really him. I mustn't let the past interrupt my work and his duties.

I let out a heavy sigh. How could he show his face again? Who am I kidding, he has no shame. He killed innocent people and walked right up in here with a smirk on his face saying that he did all of this...to see me again. It was almost touching, if i was one of those desperate girls who wanted to get back with their hot ex.

Did you just call him hot?


My office door was knocked and I allowed the person to come in. A tall figure swiftly came up to my desk without saying a word, dropping a bar of chocolate on my desk. I frowned at the guy as he walked away.

"Hey" He didn't answer.

"Hey, who are you? How did you get in the building????" He walked right out, slamming the door. I looked at the chocolate bar, it was my favorite but it could be poisoned so I threw it in the bin. I'll buy one when I'm heading home.

I got up and walked out the office heading to the 6 new members and the jerkface that were seated in the hallway. "Did anyone see a guy in a full black outfit??" They all nodded. "Do you know who let him in?"

One of the new members spoke. "I think it was the assistant."

"Thank you. I really have to learn your names. You are free to go but be here tomorrow at 6am." They nodded and left, not before jerkface took one last look at me. I turned my back to him and walked back to my office. Maybe Mr. Peters sent the guy in black with a 'its-your-first-day-at-work' gift.

And now I regret throwing it in the clean bin. I could just take it out and eat it. Right??

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