Chp. 9: Be Quiet

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*Camryn perspective*

I hear the door open and I look to see who walked in, or who's here to beat me up. You never know anymore. The light turns on and I can tell it's Jess.

"Hey. How was the lun~"

"Sssshhhhhhhh be quiet" She puts a finger to my lips.

"What?" I whisper.

"No one can know I was out late"

"Don't worry I covered for you" She looks surprised.

"Are you serious?! Omg your the best!" She pulls me into a hug.

"Yeah yeah. So tell me about your daaaaate with Nick" I draw out date which makes her chuckle a little.

We stay up for about an hour talking about it. From what I can tell he might actually be interested in her. It was awkward for them at first but it seems like it eased up.

I'm happy for her, truly. I just wish love really was this easy. Wait love? No not love. Crushes, feelings, that sort of stuff. I mean eventually love but not right now.

"So what bout you"

"What do you mean" I fluff my pillow and Jess comes and sits next to me on the bed.

"You and Spot. On the way back here"

"Oh yeah..."


I walk back out of the cafe and see he's standing there impatiently.

"I'm ready now"

"Took ya long enough" I roll my eyes. His attitude is really getting on my nerves.

"Whatever" I respond coldly.


"So..." Spot trails off.


"There's this thing happening over in Hattan tomorrow."

"What kind of thing"

"A show. It's this really good singer." I've heard a lot of singers so she probably isn't really that good. Then again she's probably amazing to the newsies. Oh yeah the newsies.

"Are the other newsies going"

"No" That means it'll be just the two of us.

"Oh." I shift my gaze and look at my feet.

"Is that a problem?"

"No not at all" I flash him a smile and he smiles back. God his smile is so hot. His whole face is so hot. Wait, I need to push those thoughts out of my head right now.

"Great. Meet me at the bridge at 7 o'clock tomorrow night."

"Ok" We start walking over the bridge to Brooklyn.

"Oh and wear something nice." I have a lot of dresses, guess I'll have to just pick one.

"Alright. See you then" We head into our cabins for the night.

*end of flashback*

"Nope nothing happened" I lie. But Jess, being my best friend knows better.

"What happened?" She said more sternly.

"If he hurt you I swear ta god I will~" I put my hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"Nothing bad happened. He just asked me to go see a show tomorrow night" She pipes up and a giant smile creeps onto her face.

"What's that look for?"

"Is it gonna be just you two" She asks.


"YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY" She screams. I cover her mouth to stop her from screaming.

"Sshhhhh did you forget were supposed to be asleep"

"Oops" she whispers. I remove my hand from her mouth.

"Why are you so excited anyways"

Her mouth gapes open. She just stared at me like I was crazy.

"You and Spot are going on a date!" She starts bouncing on the bed and I punch her arm.

"Ow" I started smiling awkward and put a hand over my mouth to stop from bursting out loud laughing.

"Whateva. Yous going on a date!!!"

"It's not a date" I say plainly. It's just two friends going to see a show together.

"Yeah. I'm sure that's what he thinks too"

We stay up for a little more and keep talking about random things. We've decided that we will pick out my dress in the morning. We're both pretty tired.

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