♥ Part 1 ♥

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I was in my section of this huge building. In the middle of nowhere, researching criminal 421. I was really focused on this; but right now I was struggling with this criminal's record. He has been all over the city, stealing money and killing others. Typical, that's what most criminals do. It's on the top of the folder as always. But there was something different about this guy. No one knew him, he had no relatives and no one has ever seen his face and there is no trace of his family's surname. I leaned back in my comfortable chair and rubbed my forehead.

This is going to be a long night.

My office door opened and I removed my eyes from the mountain of files on my desk to the office door. It was my Boss. He smiled at me as he sat down in the cushioned chair in front of my desk. "Boss, how can I help you?" I said standing up. He waved for me to sit before he started talking. "I don't need your help with anything but I have great news"

You see, my boss was never this nice to me. He wouldn't even look my way simply because of my race but after getting to know me and training me, our boss-and-client relationship got better and he gave me a higher position in his company.

   "And what would that be? Me getting a new folder?" I joked.

"No, actually I am retiring and I would like you to take over the company."

"Me?" I choked, "But sir I don't think that I am qualified for this, and what about others that work harder than I do." He loves to throw out jokes every now and then so i'm unsure if he's serious.

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing, you deserve this. I trained you myself."

He is right and this is great but.... "But sir I-I can-"

"Well, my things are packed and they will be moving out in less than a minute. I trust you Ava. You can do this, maybe even better than I can," he says proudly

I don't think so, I am struggling with a simple case.

"T-thank you sir. I really appreciate it. I don't know what else to say other than I will lead the company the best way I can." He took my hand in his, shaking it. "I'm glad to hear you have the leadership qualities coming in. I will be leaving now to my beautiful wife and kids."

"Bye Mr. Peters, take care," I said as I waved at him. He walked out of my office and I sighed.

It still hasn't settled in. I'm going to be leading this company? But HOW if I can't even manage a small case.

I got out my seat and walked to my soon-to-be office. I haven't been here in months, I stood at the door and observed it. The room was bare; all the furniture except the table was gone. The walls were in an olive green and there was a white carpet on the floor. This will soon be mine. I still can't believe i-

"Excuse me miss, but you're blocking the way." I turned around and saw two tall men, very muscular. In blue body jumpsuits, I stepped aside and allowed them to do their job, Mr. Peters wasn't joking about moving out his things in less than a minute.

I walked back to my office and looked at the folder that was open on my desk with papers scattered everywhere. Well this means I don't have to finish this, the new assistant will take care of it.

It also means that I get to go home and take rest with my daughter. I walked out the office after getting my belongings and went to my car. "Mommy's coming home Lola."


After getting home my daughter ran to me. I took her in my arms and she purred as I rubbed her head. "Lola, were you a good girl while mommy was gone?"

She stares at me blankly.

"Oh, I know you're hungry, let's get some food." Her ears perked us as she heard the key word, she jumped out my arms and walked beside me as I entered the kitchen. I got her food and placed it in her dish then I made myself some food but my phone rang before I could even get to the fridge.

I took the phone out my back pocket and saw that it was my mother. I haven't talked to her in over 2 months due to work so I answered it quickly. "Hi mom." I smiled but moved the phone from my ear when she started shouting.

"They found your father's murderer; he's in jail finally...well not finally they had him in jail for over 9 years. Oh my goodness, I have been waiting for this news all my life. At first they caught the wrong gu-"

"Mom, slow down I can't understand a thing you're saying." I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry. I'm just really happy. The jail centre called me earlier this morning and told me that they caught the guy that killed your dad. I was so happy but I waited because I knew you would get off work at this time." She said slower as if I was 5 years old.

"Well finally. What's the name of the center." We have been waiting for this to happen for 17 years.

"Bloodstone Penitentiary, I think you should go there and get some answers, after all, we don't know the reason they killed your dad." She sounded a little glum.

"Mom, I will." Tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow. Right now I just wanted to enjoy the extra time I took off of work.

"Ok, I have some more work to do. I'll talk to you very soon," she said as wind got caught in the microphone. Was she running?

"Love you." She hung up.

I would lie if I said I didn't have an appetite after that news but I was so hungry. I will definitely go to the jail center tomorrow to get more answers. 17 years ago my dad was murdered and they had the murderer in jail for 9 years. It took them some time to get him in jail, but I was happy nevertheless.

I huffed then took up my fork to take a forkful of deliciousness but my doorbell rang. What now.... I walked to my door and opened it to be faced with a guy holding a bouquet of roses and a teddy bear.

"This is for you." He shoved the items in my hand and walked off. I closed the door and read the letter.

'Our meeting will be soon' ~admirer.

I rolled my eyes at someone's joke and threw the bear to Lola and threw the roses in the bin. Ugh now I have to reheat my food.

3rd Person POV~

The unknown guy went back to his boss to tell the news.

"Sir she took the items but threw the roses in her bin and threw the bear to her kitten." Now his boss spoke, "First of all I saw how you looked at her, don't ever flirt with her." His boss hit his help's head with his gun.

"I thought that she liked roses," the boss whispered to himself.

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