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" Jimin, get off from there." Yoongi screams when the younger suddenly climb on the dining table.
Jimin has escaped from the bathroom and now was jumping across the living room. It's almost midnight but the younger shows no sign of tiredness. If anything he seems too energetic.

" Hyung, catch Minie." He poke out his tongue at Yoongi continuing to run across the living room not letting the older catch his breath even for a second.

Yoongi is already at the stage of passing out by now. He needs an energy potion or something to regain his energy. Handling a drunk Jimin is even more tiresome than handling Haru.

" Hyungie~" He giggles on seeing Yoongi already slumped down on the floor. He tiptoed to his back and give his messy hairs a little pull. To the result of which, Yoongi jumps in surprise.

" Jimin ah, please." He begs in front of him. He has been chasing Jimin for the last hour thinking he would get tired and fall asleep but Jimin is quite the opposite of that.

Jimin laughs at his miserable expression and continued to run towards the kitchen.
" Minie wants ice cream." He talks to himself. The sudden growl in his stomach indicates that he's still hungry. So he ends up searching all the cabinets and fridge for an ice cream.

But in the process of finding it , the rest of the contents end up falling onto the ground and made a huge mess.
" There's no... I-ice cream."
His face turns into a frown when he noticed that there was no ice cream.

His bottom lips quivers as he bursts into tears. The sudden cry made Yoongi hurry to the kitchen, only to see Jimin crying on the floor with all the fridge content surrounding him.

" What happened ?" Jimin look at him with angry eyes, he grabbed the nearest item he could, that was a canned food, and threw it right at Yoongi.

" Jimin!" Yoongi slides over to dodge the item from hitting him but that only added fuel to Jimin's temper. He continued to bombard him with fruits , vegetables , frozen food and what not. Out of which, atleast 5 items were able to hit Yoongi on the point.

" Why are you hitting me ?" Yoongi catches the tomato from smashing into his new sweatshirt. He just wore it from the first time today he don't want to get it dirty.

" Ice cream." Jimin whispers while looking down at his hands. The poor baby just wants to eat ice cream but there's no ice cream for him.

Yoongi can't help but coo at how cute Jimin looked like that, all pouty and soft.
" We don't have ice cream now but, hyung will get it for you tomorrow ." He softly pats on his head trying to comfort him.
Jimin finally looks up at him , Yoongi's soft voice made him smile a little.

" Now, you should go to sleep. Hyung is tired too." Jimin nods at the suggestion, he stands up from his sitting position but suddenly his face fell once he notices something.

His soft eyes turn into raged one, once again. He grabs the hem of Yoongi's sweatshirt pulling him closer as he gets a whiff of amber, musk, and sandalwood. It don't take him long enough to know that the scent doesn't belong to Yoongi.

" What's wrong?" Yoongi backs off from Jimin. The way the younger is looking at him, it looks like he won't be able to see tomorrow's sunrise.
" Hyung smells like her." Jimin tightens his grip on the sweatshirt, making the soft material all crumbled up.

" What ?"
" YOU SMELL LIKE MINHEE." He pushes him onto the ground and continue to pull his hairs.

" Jimin ah, it hurts." His pleas were worthless because Jimin was not listening to him.
" Why do you even like her?"
" I don't like - ahh." He screams in pain when the younger pulls his hairs a bit too harshly.

" Isn't Minie good enough for you ?" He let go of Yoongi's hairs and hides his face in his hands.
Yoongi takes this opportunity to escape from there. But he stops when he hears the soft sniffles.

" Jimin, are you crying ?" He tries to separate younger's hand from his face but his hand was just slapped away.
" Look at me." Jimin finally remove his face from his hands. His eyes are glossy from the dwelled up tears.

" Petal, why are you crying ?" He cups his little face in his hands , his soft cheeks fitting perfectly like a puzzle piece in them.

" Look at me." He says when Jimin turns his gaze downwards. He could feel that even when Jimin's drunk he's afraid to say what really is in his head.

" Hyung." The adrenaline rushing through Jimin's body finally gives him the courage that he's been trying to find for the last few months.

" Why don't you like Minie ?" It's a sincere question, Yoongi can tell by the look in Jimin's eyes. But why does the younger thinks that he don't like him ? Did something happened that made him think like that ?

" Who said that ? Hyung likes Minie." Jimin smiles on hearing those words and it was a sad smile. One that portrayed his broken heart.

" Minie wants to tell you something." He tries to stay awake through his confession. He finally have the courage to say those words that he can't say in his sober state. He doesn't care about the rejection right now, his mind is telling him to just let out all the feelings.

" Hyung ~" He slurs again , his feets stumbling a little bit forward. Yoongi was quick to hold him before he could fall even more.

Jimin smiles as he melts into Yoongi's arms. Yoongi's arms , his safe place.
" Hyung I like you." He finally said those words that has been sitting on the tip of his tongue for almost years now. He tried to keep his eyes open, he really did. But it was so hard and he was so comfortable so he let himself pass out in Yoongi's arms.

The words that he wanted the older to hear so much came out as a mere whisper and sadly they didn't reached Yoongi's ears.

" Finally." Yoongi sighs in relief on noticing that Jimin just fall asleep on his shoulder. He carried a passed out Jimin to his bed, tucking him inside the duvets. He stops for a second to stare at his sculptured face.

His features were much softer in sleep, the lines that creased his brow were replaced by a relaxed appearance. His pouty lips now laying in their usual form. He looked peaceful.

" Sweet dreams." He leans down to leave a quick peck on his forehead. Smiling on seeing the two sleeping beauties resting soundlessly.

A yawn escapes his own mouth letting him know that his body also needs some rests. He forces himself up towards the couch and just let his body fall into the soft mattress.
He was so tired. Unbelievably so.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now