Honeymoon (Part 2)

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Again, this is not what you think it is. I don't write that kind of stuff. But someone did want Carter and Donovan walking on the beach, this is how it turned out.


Donovan crept around the end of the bed to Carter's side. He knelt, taking in her sleeping form. Before he got married, he'd never really thought through what it would be like having someone else sleep in the bed beside him. Now, only after two days, he couldn't imagine not having Carter laying next to him.

He smiled at her. Sound asleep she looked terrible. Her hair was a tangled mess around her head. Her mouth hung open. She tossed and turned throughout the night twisting her pajamas around her. He loved it.

Even asleep she was fully herself. If she'd been serene, almost angelic he didn't think he'd like it quite as much. It wouldn't be the Carter he knew. But tangled hair, mouth gaping, a bit of a mess, that was a Carter he knew. The Carter he married.

When she rolled towards him, he noticed her curled fist as if in her dreams she already planned to hit someone. He had an uneasy feeling she might use that fist against him when she realized he was waking her up in the middle of the night.

Still, he thought the chances of getting hit worth it.

Gently, Donovan moved a piece of her hair out of her face, his fingers brushing her cheek. She stirred and sighed. He kissed her cheek and nose.

"Carter," he whispered. "Carter."

She mumbled something but remained asleep. Donovan kept kissing her face until she squinted at him.

"What?" she said.

The annoyance in her tone made him chuckle.

"Get up."

She looked to the shut curtains and he knew what she'd find, not a glimmer of light trying to break through.


Donovan went back to kissing her and she didn't seem affected.

"But we're going on an adventure," he said. 

"Does it involve guns?"


"Then it's not an adventure."

Carter twisted away from him, but Donovan merely stood up and continued to kiss her.

"I won't stop until you wake up."

Carter paused as if deciding. Donovan peppered her face with kisses and finally, she growled.


Beaming, Donovan held out a pair of shorts and his t-shirt for her to change into. Slumped on the edge of the bed, she stared at them as if confused about what they were for.

"I don't like you anymore," she said.

"It will be worth it, I promise."

She eyed him doubtfully but accepted the clothes. Once changed, Donovan took her hand and led her to the bedroom door. Outside the hotel hallway was empty, but Donovan slid along the wall anyway. Carter blinked at him.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I told you this is an adventure."

She looked unconvinced and walked down the center of the hall. Donovan darted forward and tucked himself into the alcove holding the ice machine. Carter walked past shaking her head. When the doors to the elevator opened and Carter stepped on, Donovan sprinted out of his hiding spot, dived, and performed a perfect tuck and roll into the elevator. Finally, Carter burst out laughing.

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