Returning To Work (Part 10)

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Finally you have it, Tyler from Carter and The Boy, returns. Also the events of the past 8 chapters starting with When Disaster Strikes are referenced in here. So make sure you understand what happened in those before reading this.

I know, I'm the worst for making you read more.


"How are you doing?" Donovan asked.

"Donovan if you ask me that again I will divorce you."

"You can't blame me for asking, this is your first assignment back."

Carter planted her hands on her hips. "Donovan, this 'assignment' as you call it could not be more simple than if the FBI told me to dissemble a Glock 17 in under a minute."

As the indignation in Carter's tone, Donovan smiled. At least she had her spirit back, even if not her smile. Donovan knew it would return eventually. And he would wait for it.

"Well, great," Mason said. "Then you shouldn't be able to screw it up."

Carter glared at Mason who grinned at her, his hands laced behind his head.

"Do you have comms for me?" she asked.

Still grinning because of course he knew it annoyed Carter, Mason retrieved an earpiece and mic. Carter snatched them out of his hand, definitely irritated by Mason's smile.

"We'll have eyes on you the entire time," Donovan said, handing her a pair of glasses with a camera hidden in them.

"Again completely unnecessary," Carter said putting them on. "All I have to do is meet the museum curator. Convince him to show me that private gallery. Then plant a bug on the Rembrandt that is returning to the Wilson's estate. Simple."

"You say simple," Mason said. "But you have the type of personality I'm not sure could convince anyone to do anything without a threat attached to it."

Carter narrowed her eyes threateningly at Mason, but he'd learned how to play dumb to her subtle threats.

"The Curator," Donovan said, stealing Carter's attention. "Usually passes through the Degas wing at noon. Are you ready?"

This time Carter shot Donovan the threatening glower.

"I'm leaving before either of you can be more condescending to me."

Yanking open the van door, Carter climbed out and slammed the door shut.

"I think she's in a better mood than most days," Mason said.

Donovan stared at the door, letting out a low breath. After the Costella trial, Carter had grown weary of paper work and wanted to be put back into the field. When they'd assigned this simple task, her mood had become surly. To everyone else Carter seemed annoyed with the simplicity of the task.

But Donovan knew her better than that. He knew her annoyance came from being scared. Scared that basic assignments would all she'd ever be assigned and all she could ever do. The previous months had stolen a part of her. Instead of a taunting girl with a quick smile, she was a peevish girl with a short temper. She was still Carter, only with sharper edges.

"Do you think she's up for the task?" Mason asked, all teasing gone from his voice.

Donovan sank into a chair besides Mason, watching the camera feeds from the art museum.

"She'll be fine," he said. "You simply have an amazing talent of pissing her off."

"I hate to admit it." Mason beamed. "I'm quite proud of this talent."

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