Breaking The News

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One of the chapters you asked for! I hope you like it even though its short!


To anyone who didn't know Donovan, they would have said he was relaxed. He sat in the driver's seat, hand resting on the wheel, his face calm. But Carter wasn't just anyone and she knew exactly how nervous Donovan really was. The hand that held the steering wheel was white knuckled, betraying his grip.

The beginnings of a smile curled her lips. Despite the ten years of marriage behind them, she couldn't help but find amusement at Donovan's silent fear of her father. Reaching out, she rested her hand on the back of his neck, burying her fingers in his hair. He tensed, but relaxed after a second.

"You know you have no reason to be nervous," she said, toying with the end of his black locks.

The gentle sign of affection seemed to ease some of his nerves, but not all of them.

"I know."

It was a lie and they both knew it. Pulling her hand away, Carter rested her elbow on the center console, propping up her chin.

"Are you still afraid that one day Captain will look at you and tell you, you're not good enough for me, that you can't have me?" 

Donovan's eyes snapped to her, before cutting away.

"I've never told you about that," he said.

Carter gave a soft chuckling, remembering a night years ago.

"You did, I'm not surprised you don't remember, you were very drunk."

Donovan swallowed hard, the memory of waking up hungover on Carter's couch with Steve standing over him all too vivid in his mind.

"I was positive he was going to shoot me," he said.

"He was close to it, but I convinced him that if he did I would never talk to him again."

Donovan took her hand and kissed the back of it, smiling at her.

"So it was then I told you about my fear?" he said, reverting his attention to the road.

The lights of the city lit up the night sky. Pedestrians crowded the sidewalk, filling the air with cheerful chatter as they stole memories for another day.

"Yes," Carter said. "And it was at that moment I feel a little bit more in love with you."

"A little bit more?" Donovan said, raising an eyebrow.

"For me, falling for you didn't happen in a single moment but pieces over time. Like when you told me to punch you at school after I had seen my mother. When you fiercely demanded that I couldn't come with you to get Link cause I knew you wanted me safe. When you kissed me at school, truly claiming that we were together. The smile you gave me when we were going through a third training course. You didn't seem bothered to be put through so many challenges just to date me." She let out a happy sigh. "Those and so many more. When you smiled at me learning we were going to have a baby. I can't seem to stop falling in love with you."

Donovan didn't say anything, a small secret, overwhelmed smile hiding on the edge of his lips. Their fingers still laced together, he held them to his chest, like he wanted Carter to feel the pounding of his heart and knew that it was hers and hers alone.

"So," she said. "It is for all those reasons that no matter what my father says, I will always belong to you, Donovan Keller. Nothing will change that."

They pulled to a halt at a stop light and he looked over at her, his eyes flooded with affection, admiration, and adoration.

"I love you, Carter Owens-Keller."

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