🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣 *falls on the floor laughing hysterically*
Carter ignored Mason the first time he walked passed her desk. She also ignored him the second, third and fourth time. When he strolled past for the fifth time, she snapped.
"Mason! For crying out loud say what you want from me or I'll throw this snow globe at you."
Carter wasn't worried about her fellow FBI coworkers giving her strange looks because it was the end of the day and the floor was mostly empty. Mason crossed his arms.
"No you wouldn't," he said. "Not because you know you would hurt me, but because your boy scout husband gave you that Mexico snow globe and you wouldn't want to break it."
At least he wasn't as stupid as he looked.
"What do you want?" she asked.
"So Donovan is on a mission," Mason said.
"What do you want?"
"I don't want anything from you."
"Spit it out or leave me alone."
Mason worked his jaw as if his words were banging around his mouth but he didn't want to let them out. Carter stared at him for another second then went back to typing up her report. Mason hovered just in the corner of her eye, clearly warring with himself. Signing off, Carter slipped on her jacket.
"I'm leaving now," she said, striding away to the elevators.
When she punched the down button, Mason materialized beside her. She cast him a look.
"I'm leaving too," he said.
Carter had to remind herself that punching Mason wouldn't fix any problem, though she did know it would make her feel better.
The ride down was silent with Carter ignoring Mason and Mason acting like he wasn't fighting to say something.
When Carter headed towards her car in the parking garage, Mason continued on right along side her. It was only when she climbed into the driver seat and he climbed into the passenger seat that she broke the silence.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"I need a ride home."
Carter looked across the way to where his silver BMW sat in the garage. She continued to stare at it until Mason decided to lie.
"It's not working."
"Call a tow truck."
"I will. Later."
Carter started the car and pulled out. As she edged the nose of the car onto the street, Mason spoke.
"Go right," he said. "I need to pick something up."
Shaking her head, Carter swung the car out into traffic. Mason directed her where to go and Carter wondered why she didn't just shove him out of the car when he'd first gotten in. She couldn't do it now cause she didn't look good in orange.
"Pull up here," Mason said.
Carter angled the car up to the curb and put it in park. Mason climbed out but stuck his head back in.
"Aren't you coming?" he asked.
"Mason, you've picked up this really annoying habit from growing up under a politician, you won't simply come out and say something."
"You're an FBI agent, make a deduction."
Carter peered through the front window at the line of store fronts. Rolling her eyes, she turned off the car and stepped out. Mason had the decency to open the door for her, probably knowing he'd have to shove her to get her inside. Just beyond the entrance, Carter stopped and crossed her arms, gazing around.

Open Case File [COMPLETED]
Teen FictionNow available in paperback on Amazon! Though the last chapter is read that doesn't mean the story is over. One shots for A Secret Service including Prom, Wedding, Missions and so much much more! Mainly cause you kept asking for them and I have a...