Now available in paperback on Amazon!
Though the last chapter is read that doesn't mean the story is over.
One shots for A Secret Service including Prom, Wedding, Missions and so much much more!
Mainly cause you kept asking for them and I have a...
I'm really sorry I disappeared all of a sudden and for a whole month. There's an explanation for it.
I do apologize but this author's note it's going to be along the lines of my usually wackiness/odd notes.
I wish I could tell you that this month break was really relaxing but sadly, it was the roughest month I've ever faced. I only got through it because of my family and clinging to God for strength.
Something I've never shared before is the fact that I've been chronically ill for years. And for the past year I've been in constant physical pain without understanding why or have anyway to make the pain go away.
Though there have been a lot of doctors in my life only now has my current doctor figured out what the source of it all is.
This is a great thing but though we know the answer the solution will take time.
What does that mean?
Honestly, it means I don't know exactly what it will look like moving forward. My comment replies will be less than before. I have 4 one shots already written but with how terrible my health has been lately I don't know if I'll be able to stick to a normal update schedule.
Writing always makes me happy but some days simply walking hurts. So I have to focus on going slow first and foremost.
I feel like this is so much to tell you and I don't want you to feel overwhelmed but you are part of my life and I wanted to be honest with you.
Also you deserved an explanation for my sudden disappearance.
So thank you for reading this far, for being you, and for understanding.
I love you and honestly I'm taking life one day at a time and I guess I'll take posting one week at a time.
If you have questions I'm happy to answer them.
Also it's been a full month since I've seen you, I'd love to know how your month went if your willing to share!
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