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I realized this would be such an important moment in both Donovan and Link's life so I had to write it.


Donovan felt made of stone as he watched the tv, waiting. On the couch, Monica sat with her fingers relaxed on her legs, seemingly completely untroubled. Beside her, Link couldn't stop moving. His leg bounced and he kept repeatedly curling and flexing his fingers.

Despite there being only the three of them in the apartment, Donovan felt like he could feel the whole city, the entire country waiting for the announcement.

This was it. This moment right here could be as defining to Donovan's life as the one where his father introduced him to Senator Douglas. One moment that had set his life on a new path. Now here he was again.

Monica reached for Link's hand to be a comfort to him but Link pulled away, running his hand through his unruly hair. Donovan said nothing, offered nothing. They were both in limbo but in vastly different ways.

Finally, the woman on screen finished her short break down and announcement, "William Douglas has won the Presidential election."

Everyone on screen rose and started applauding. From beyond the apartment, Donovan could hear the cheers of other tenants. Even outside he heard the faint shouts of people excited about the announcement.

But inside the apartment was completely silent.

Four more years gone. That quickly four more years of Donovan's life were solidified. No going out to get a job. No moving on. Remaining here.

For four more years.

Link stopped moving. He sat as still as Donovan, staring at the screen. Donovan knew he should say something.  Say anything to be there for Link, but right then he felt trapped in his thoughts.

The past two months he'd mistakenly hoped for an end of his job. He'd seen how close the race was and Donovan had thought that maybe...

Link rose without saying anything and walked into his room, shutting the door behind him. Monica looked after him, worried. She looked to Donovan and he broke from his stunned state. She rose, but Donovan held up a hand.

"It's okay," he said.

He knew what he needed to do. He knew what role he needed to play. Monica could give a mother's comfort. But it was Donovan's reassurance that he knew Link needed.

Shoving his emotions away, he moved to Link's door. When he knocked, Link didn't answer.

After a second, Donovan walked in and took a seat at Link's desk chair. He swiveled this way and that, portraying an easy comfortableness.

"Seems like you're stuck with me," Link said.

"Pretty sure I was supposed to say that," Donovan said.

Link looked over and Donovan gave him a half-smile. It had the desired effect, Link relaxed. Though they had become close over the years, Donovan knew Link worried Donovan wanted to leave.

Donovan would never let Link see what he wanted. His job was to protect Link, Donovan took that to mean in all forms: physical and emotional.

"You know," Link said, placing his laced fingers behind his head. "I really wanted him to lose."

Donovan continued to slowly rotate in the chair as this was just one of the many normal conversations they shared.

"I thought..." Link rubbed his eyes. "I thought if he was no longer President that it might be different...That, I don't know, I could... see him more. Possibly meet Mason..." He shook his head. "Now it all sounds stupid."

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