A Bad Day

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It's short and it's the best I could do for what you wanted. Hope it's still worth the read to you! ☺️


Donovan swung the car into a parking spot, feeling like someone had ripped out his insides. The engine died and for a moment he stared at the dashboard everything in him heavy with the previous two weeks. Mechanically, he removed the keys and climbed out.

The Virginia air was tinted with the smell of coming autumn. The Quantico base was a hive of action as recruits jogged from one activity to the next. In the distance, the sharp crack of gunfire could be heard.

As Donovan surveyed the familiar scene, he searched for just one face. It was the only face he needed to see at the moment. The one person that could help.

When she didn't magically appear, he went looking for her.

After inquiries, he found himself walking through the training building. The walls rang with conversations and the mocking laughter of recruits who had gained the upper hand. At the center of the building was a spacious room packed with floor mats, rubber dummies and boxing rings. The gray walls were dotted with raised windows that flooded the room with natural light.

A few neighboring eyes drifted to Donovan as he stood in the doorway. A couple even shared stories they had heard about him, but he didn't notice any of it. His focus was cutting through the occupants.

A flash of brown hair in a corner snagged his attention and he felt a bit of relief.

The feeling vanished as he took in the scene. A fellow male trainee had flipped Carter and pinned her to the mat. A smile creased his lips, as he gloated in his victory. Not one to give in so easily, Carter struggled to loosen his hold, but her opponent didn't let her go.

Rage tore through Donovan narrowing his vision and making every muscle tense. The noise around him blurred to a dull roar in his ears as he crossed the training room. The pair weren't aware of him until Donovan was yanking the man off Carter and slamming him into the wall.

"Don't you ever touch her," he said, pinning the guy there with one hand at his throat.

"Donovan! Stop!" Carter shouted, gripping his wrist, trying to pry him off her sparring partner.

"Do you understand me?" Donovan spat at the guy, ignoring Carter.


The blow came out of nowhere and snapped Donovan out it, giving the guy a chance to get some distance from him.

"What the hell, man?" he said, rubbing his neck. "We were only sparring."

Regaining his senses, Donovan pointed at him. "I don't care, don't touch her."

Carter appeared between them, her face contorted with anger.

"Get a hold of yourself, this is what I'm here for," she snapped.

Donovan felt his body shaking with the raw emotion that was coursing through him. Despite the fierce look Carter was aiming at him, it felt good, this was something he could handle.

"I don't care," he said. "I don't want him hurting you."

Carter shoved Donovan's chest, making him stagger back.

"I can take care of myself."

"I know that. I know better than anyone."

Carter threw up her hands in frustration. "Then why the hell are you getting mad at Brandon?"

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