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Luz didn't cower, she didn't flinch. She simply put her hands out to the Emperor and sighed. She shut her eyes.

"Lo siento mama..." 

She raised her head to look the Emperor in the eyes. She crossed her brows and before Belos could process what was happening he felt an immense surge of pain in his groin. Luz lowered her knee and smirked. Her hands were instantly dropped as the flustered Emperor howled in pain. Luz did the only thing she could, she charged. Reaching into the pocket of her hoodie she drew out her glyphs and turned to face the guards.

She pounced.

Luz sprang into action creating havvock in the once pristine throne room. Plants scaled the walls and fires spread. Ice spikes protruded from the ceiling and floor like stalagmites and stalagtites. Smoke began to fill the air but Luz took no notice. She felt a sensation inside her, the sensation of power. Looking at the wrecked room she felt a sudden sense of pride. She was making the Emperor pay... She smiled. The coven guards were cowering before her, shaking and pleading. She drew forth her fire glyphs and grinned. 

"Don't..... make.... another.... MOVE!"

Luz turned to the cold, raspy voice of Emperor Belos. Her eyes widened with fear. She saw the furious Emperor with his hands raised in anticipation to cast a spell, and Amity, lying motionless at his feet. Luz felt her chest go hollow as she took in the full scale of what she had done... she was no better than Belos. She fell to her knees.

"Please..." she said shakily with tears in her eyes. "Don't hurt her... I surrender!"

Belos kicked Amity aside and walked towards Luz, this time she did flinch. 

"Good," he cooed.

He strode over to where his petrified accomplices lay and drew forth a curved dagger.

"This will do nicely..."

Luz shut her eyes and took a deep breath. 

"Do it," she said.

The Emperor rose the dagger above her head. He adjusted his fingers and....


The wall blew open and a gust of wind sent the Emperor flying into the door. Luz opened her eyes to see Eda surrounded in a ball a light with her staff in hand. 


Luz blushed furiously.


Eda snorted and helped the two girls onto her staff.

"Now let's get out of here before old cranky pants realizes we're gone."

Luz looked at her perplexed.

"He almost KILLED me!" she exclaimed.

Eda shrugged. "Eh tomato, tomato."

And with that they were off.


As they flew back to the Owl House, Luz realized just how exhausted she was. Eda must've noticed because she instructed Luz to get into her bed first thing when they got back. She happily agreed.

Eda flew them in through the broken window which was a good thing since Luz would never have made it up the stairs. Eda helped her and Amity into her bed and wished her goodnight before going up to her own room.

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