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The four friends met again outside the walls of Hexside. They sat together under the trees, discussing their studies and the upcoming test. Amity, who was top student, was helping them all to study.

"A plant abomination doesn't need to be watered Luz!' Amity said, her hand on her forehead. 

She knew Luz was new to magic but she had gone over this so many times already... but yet she couldn't bring herself to be annoyed. She took a deep breath and continued to explain. Luz taking notes the whole time. Luz scrunched her eyebrows causing her nose to scrunch too, Amity found it adorable when she did that. Luz looked up at Amity.

"I... I still don't understand!" she said shaking her head softy, her face full off confusion.

Willow pushed her glasses back up her nose.  She looked between witch and human.

"I think it's best if we take the study session somewhere else," she suggested. "Maybe like a study date, and we can stay over at someone's house!"

Luz grinned from ear to ear. "Like a sleepover!" she said excitedly. "That's a great idea! So who's house?" she asked.

Willow shook her head apologetically. "My dads are away for work, sorry!"

Gus looked up from his illusion studies. "Oh! My parents are having guests over."

Luz looked at Amity. "What about you Amity?" she asked.

Amity shook her head vigorously. "That's not a good idea." she said frowning. "My parents... they..." she shut her eyes and hung her head. 

Willow put hand on Amity's shoulder. "It's okay Am! We understand!"

Luz smiled sympathetically. "Ya!" she said. "I'm sure Eda won't mind if we do it at the Owl House! I'll see you guys there this afternoon!"

They all got up and dusted off, ready to go home. Amity was about to go when Luz took her arm. Amity looked back at her. Luz's eyes were fulled with worry.

"You know I'm here if there's anything bothering you... I'm here."

Amity looked at Luz and smiled weakly. She wanted to cry and tell her everything, but she didn't want to ruin the mood. "Thank you Luz. I'll see you this afternoon then?"

Luz returned her smile. "You know it Blight!"


Luz stood by the door of the Owl House, she couldn't wait for her friends to arrive. She had of course done this to study, but she had hoped that this would help Amity feel a bit better, she hated seeing her upset. The King of Demons was almost as excited as Luz. King loved the attention that Luz and her friends gave him, he stood beside Luz, teddy in hand. Luz scratched his skull.

"I hope I'm not interrupting..." said a voice just ahead of Luz.

Luz looked up and jumped with excitement. "Amity!" she screamed with joy. She embraced Amity in a friendly hug. "Oh my gosh! I began to wonder if you were coming!"

Amity blushed, and pushed her hair behind her ear. "Willow and Gus may have come to help me sneak out."

Luz looked over Amity's shoulder and sure enough there was Willow and Gus. Luz was about to greet them when she felt something tugging at her leggings.

"I feel excluded!" King said, trying to sound professional. 

Amity looked at him and smiled. "So... how's the great and powerful demon?" she asked sarcastically, pulling a cupcake from behind her back.

King squealed and took it carefully from her hands before running back inside, proclaiming to the world about his offering. The four of them laughed and watched as he ran around with his precious cupcake.

Luz gestured to the door. "Come on guys! Let's get to studying!


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